“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.”
― Rumi By definition, God is an omnipotent and omnipresent being, existing in and through all things, including our very thoughts and inner dialogues. Therefore, it should not be surprising that we could connect directly with Him. Many religious people dismiss the possibility of two-way communication with God. For them, prayer is the only valid way of connecting with the divine. Still, even prayer is not a one-sided communication. God always responds to our requests and thoughts through all possible means. These responses may come through a person who provides much-needed advice or signs in everyday life such as a rainbow, a four-leaf clover, or a pigeon feather—each carrying personal meaning. God may also guide us using sudden inspiration, novel ideas, dream symbolism, visions, imagination, or any other means suitable for us. Moreover, He can convey messages directly—through our stream of thoughts, providing a subtle yet profound form of divine guidance. After all, He is omnipotent and omnipresent. So, it is even more plausible that we could converse with God directly, instead of an angel, a spiritual guide, or similar. They are not within us, but God is. They are not omnipotent—God is. So, if we are open—God will contact us. Actually, He is always talking to us. The question is whether we are open enough to receive His messages. Two-Way Communication with God The idea that one can have direct conversations with God is not new. Throughout history, mystics, prophets, and ordinary individuals have claimed to have had such divine communication. One famous example in modern times is Neale Donald Walsch, author of the “Conversations with God” series, who wrote about his personal experiences of direct dialogue with the divine. Other people have reported similar experiences. For instance, Jerry Martin, a former professor and atheist, wrote about his unexpected conversations with God in his book “God: An Autobiography.” Similarly, Barbara Rose's “If God Was Like Man” presents what she describes as direct communications from God. These accounts, although diverse in their specifics, share a common thread of personal, intimate dialogue with the divine. We could say that the premise of these conversations is to have an open heart, as well as a calm mind. If so, God can reach out to us through our thoughts or direct insight, providing guidance and wisdom. This approach to spirituality suggests that the Creator is not a distant, unreachable entity, but an ever-present force that we can access within ourselves. Deeply Personal Messages Dear reader, I invite you to approach the presented dialogues with an open mind, understanding that they represent my own spiritual experience. Although I risk being judged by some as a “lunatic” or “blasphemous,” I don’t care. I truly believe that these insights may be as profoundly beneficial to others as they have been to me. The Creator is not a distant, unreachable entity, but an ever-present force that we can access within ourselves.
Honestly, until relatively recently, I didn’t believe I could establish any kind of direct, two-way communication with God Himself. Such an idea, applied to us “ordinary people,” seemed far-fetched, even arrogant. But one day, an unusual stream of thoughts appeared in my mind while on a plane, 10 km high. I spontaneously started asking myself questions, and for each question, I received a very reasonable and sharp answer immediately. I asked if it was God or some other divine being answering, and the response was—God. That unusual inner dialogue lasted for a while, perhaps half an hour.
After that event, I still wasn’t convinced it was truly a conversation with God Himself. However, several more times such dialogues happened, even clearer. I had also received confirmation from other reliable sources that I had established regular communication with the divine. Then I rediscovered Neale’s “Conversations with God” series, which finally dispelled my doubts. At last, I accepted it. And that marked a significant cornerstone in my life. God’s messages mean so much to me. They are deeply personal and supportive. His voice is not some external, foreign voice. It is in the form of my own thoughts, still recognizable as messages from a deep well of wisdom and love. He is always ready for a conversation, even if I’m not in a peaceful state of mind (although He emphasizes that His messages will not be as clear and genuine). God answers immediately, sometimes even before I finish my question. He is NEVER judging; He ALWAYS understands both me and other people. He understands our mistakes, confusions, dilemmas, and even misdeeds. In response to all of this, He offers wise solutions that are often surprising to me. God says that to have a clear conversation with Him, we must calm our minds, open our hearts, ask a question or say something to Him, and wait for a response. A calm mind and an open heart are both key in this sublime yet natural process. We may have to wait a little, but His response will inevitably come. Perhaps not immediately in the form of thoughts, but maybe as a vision, a sudden insight, or any kind of external event. Any person may "interrupt" us and tell us something that will, in fact, be the answer. God’s ways are infinitely creative and sometimes totally unexpected to us. Over time, our communication with God may develop into clear, inner talks with Him. To have a clear conversation with Him, we must calm our minds, open our hearts, ask a question, and wait for a response.
Of course, in this article, I am presenting only small parts of conversations that apply to a wider audience. Most of the talks were related to my personal matters. Many of the conversations I didn’t even write down.
Similar to the talks related to my personal life, God’s messages conveyed below emphasize love, forgiveness, personal responsibility, and the interconnectedness of all beings. They suggest a God who is not judgmental or punishing, but rather a source of unconditional love and guidance. One recurring theme in these dialogues is the importance of presence and awareness. Also, God suggests that by being present and aware of our thoughts and emotions, we can better connect with the divine within us. Another key point is the emphasis on personal responsibility and free will, with God respecting and honoring the choices we make. These dialogues also touch on more complex spiritual concepts, such as the nature of reality, the purpose of suffering, and the mechanics of creation. They present a view of God that is both immanent (present within all things) and transcendent (beyond all things), challenging traditional anthropomorphic conceptions of deity. Whether or not you believe in the possibility of direct dialogue with God, I feel that these conversations offer thought-provoking perspectives on spirituality, ethics, and the nature of existence. They cover a wide range of topics, from the nature of forgiveness and love to the process of spiritual growth and the essence of God's nature. I invite you to delve into these conversations, but please keep in mind that they may represent somewhat distorted messages from God, due to my own inner “filters” or too rigid beliefs. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that you will find many insights that resonate with your spiritual journey, or ideas that challenge your current beliefs. Dialogs with God, 2023/2024 (originally transcribed in Serbian) Me: I now recognize Your voice, which has always been present, though I had not acknowledged it before. God: Yes, it is My voice. You have also heard Me through your guardian angels, spirit guides, and Higher Self, but it has always been Me. They, like your mind, act as filters—though somewhat clearer ones. I have always talked to you, and I still do. Me: How can I distinguish thoughts that are Yours from thoughts that are from my ego? God: All thoughts are Mine, but still those thoughts that come from a calm mind and a state of presence are authentically Mine. Those thoughts are My messages that come through your ego’s weakest part of its filter, although the ego is also Mine in a certain way. When you are in a state of anxiety, stress, or when you are ruled by emotions, then the thoughts you have are the thoughts of your ego. Those are My thoughts too, but they are not authentic, not expressions of God’s wisdom, because they come through numerous filters of the ego. So always bring yourself to a state of presence and love and I will be here, completely and clearly. Me: How can I feel Your Love, God? God: You will feel My love when you are in the state of love. Enter that state. Become love. It is indeed My love. That is My love for you and for everything. Me: Can I ask You various questions about life and the universe in general? God: As for receiving such information from Me, you will receive the information to the extent that you are willing to receive it. You will get them through the existing filters of your mind. Me: I have to ask You this, dear God. Why is there so much suffering and evil in the world? Why do you allow that? God: That's a question for another occasion, but here is My answer in a nutshell. First, suffering in the world is quite exaggerated by people. There is more peace and happiness than conflict and suffering here, but you are mostly focused on the latter. But I agree that there is too much of it. However, I gave you free will in the beginning and I stick to it. You are creating suffering for yourself. Because of your natural inertness, karma, and many other factors, you often have to go through suffering and discomfort to progress and return to Me. And one more thing. In many situations, in many cases, I prevent suffering without you even knowing it. Me: What advice do you have for forgiveness?
God: Forgiveness can be a challenge, especially for people with rigid and traditional views.
There are two approaches you can take when it comes to forgiveness. The first is total and immediate forgiveness, which implies complete immersion in forgiveness and love for that person. This is not at all easy, but it is achievable if you are in an expanded state of consciousness and if you feel love. Another approach is gradual forgiveness, which involves persistently working on it. This process can be lengthy and can be about a person, situation, or problem that needs to be forgiven. All those grudges you hold against someone can be compared to weeds and their roots. When you forgive part of those grievances, you will remove part of that root, but it may grow back later. Therefore, it is crucial to forgive every detail, every situation, and every aspect of the problem with that person as quickly and comprehensively as possible, to prevent the return of unforgiveness—weed. To achieve the ability to sincerely and completely forgive, it is necessary to constantly work on forgiveness and to be in an expanded state of consciousness as often as possible. It is also important to cultivate a state of love, not necessarily towards the person you are forgiving, but a universal love that will help you remain in harmony as you work on forgiveness. Me: How can I immediately forgive someone when, for example, they “trigger” me at work? God: You need to forgive from a higher state of consciousness because forgiveness is a higher state of consciousness compared to the state of consciousness when someone “triggers” you. So, it is best to remember right at that moment that you need to raise the level of your consciousness. Then, immediately feel your inner emotional reaction, accept it, and enter a state of acceptance and presence. Enter the state of love and then forgive completely. But it's best to avoid that triggering circumstance altogether. You will prevent such situations by avoiding idle conversations, complaints, and gossip and by constantly trying to be present. Also, as often as possible, do forgiveness affirmations at work. Whenever you can, watch videos on YouTube about animals, kindness, or humorous videos. Me: Why forgive at all if there is nothing to forgive? God: As long as you evaluate people or situations, as long as you judge and condemn, you will need forgiveness. You are still in some way a prisoner of the habit of judging, evaluating, and condemning people and events. And you will continue to be for a while. As long as you have this habit, which is still deeply rooted, you will have to reach for forgiveness. It is true that in reality there is nothing to forgive, but as long as you are a prisoner of the illusion that something is good or bad, you will have to forgive. But one day you will get out of that vicious circle, don't worry. And at a higher level, you have already left that circle. Me: Is this “Inner Work Session” of mine any good in this new form? God: Your Inner Work Session in this form is excellent. Also, make an additional effort to work on your personal development outside of the sessions. As often as possible, be aware of your emotions and thoughts, aware of your body, your surroundings, aware of yourself, and aware of My presence. Talk to Me whenever possible, I will always respond, even through your filters. This approach will be the basis for even more successful work during these sessions. Me: Are people who are in a trance listening to worship music really experiencing You? God: Some do experience Me, some experience the egregor of that church or faction, and some both. That question cannot be answered precisely. In any case, the egregor they experience has both good and bad sides. One could say that it is neutral. Besides, there are several egregors, not just one, and there may be a conflict between those egregors. Generally speaking, it can be said that their experience is positive. Me: Can I progress too quickly in my spiritual development? God: There can be no too fast progress. There can only be a lack of caution and a loss of humility. Me: What do you advise for my reactions in various situations? God: In every situation, observe your inner reactions. Become aware of them and accept them. Don't express those reactions that can hurt other beings around you, but work on them later. Me: What is the difference between Presence and Love? God: Presence is a prerequisite for Love. Love cannot arise from chaos filled with various thoughts. First of all, there should be a presence in the background; from that naturally arises Love. Also, Love creates Presence. It brings the individual to their natural state without thought. Me: Dear God, what advice do You give me about preparation for meditation? God: It is best to start each meditation by first “shaking off” all the negative thoughts and emotions that are in your body or your aura. Imagine how you shake it all off like a dog shakes water off itself when it goes out on dry land. Then you ask Mother Earth to receive all those negative thoughts and turn them into Light. In this way, you symbolically get rid of a bunch of thoughts and traces of emotions before the beginning of the meditation, which will significantly improve the meditation itself. Me: What can you say about free will? God: Every human being has free will. I have given each of you free will, and I am manifesting My own free will through you. Your free will is My will, God's Will. And it is sacred. Me: Tell me about the importance of gradual development in my life. God: Your problem is: rigid beliefs. You can transform and overcome them through gradual development, gradual transformation. That's why you do everything gradually. You achieve any progress in life gradually. That's why there are no obvious miracles in your life, but there is a stable and gradual development, which is good in its own way. Me: How can I apply the knowledge and communication from the book I Am, I Create in my everyday life? God: By telling yourself I am, I create as often as possible, and acting from that perspective. Through the repetition of the words I am, you will increasingly crystallize your divine consciousness and true being, while the words I create enable you to take greater responsibility for your life. Me: Should I love “my” I Am? God: It is important for you to be mindful of your presence as I Am and your creative abilities. Take time to develop a deep awareness and love for I Am and for your ability to create. Of course, it's also important to develop love for Me, for yourself, for people, for everything else. Love is the strongest force in the universe. Love unites and heals. Love is the ultimate guide through life. Constantly remind yourself in your daily life of this: I Am and I create. Me: Dear God, what advice do you give me about thoughts, especially negative thoughts? God: There are no positive or negative thoughts. They just are. They pass through each of you non-stop and depending on your current vibration and frequency you latch onto some of those thoughts. Search within yourself for the source of every thought. Just as a radio tunes in to specific radio waves based on their frequency and amplitude, you pick up certain thoughts because of the unique frequency and amplitude of your vibration. Therefore, you have to take responsibility for every thought. The first step is to simply become aware of a thought. The second step is to experience that thought, whatever that means at that moment. Experience it. The third step, accept that thought and what you experience in it. The fourth step, try to discover the source of that thought within yourself. Accept the source. Most often, the source is your "pain body", whose physical location is, for example, in the stomach, chest, or somewhere else. You can also accept your “Temporary I”. Finally, return to presence. Open your heart and feel the love. Me: Dear God, sometimes it's hard for me to find a way to speak to You, because I don't know where You are, nor who You are, nor what You are. I don't have an object I'm addressing. God: You don't need any imaginary object. Know that I am within you when you speak to Me. Although the truth is much wider. Not only am I in you and all around you, but I am you and everything around you, and all of reality, and much more than that. Me: Dear God, when I pray to You for other people, for Your blessing to them, is it in fact an impulse sent to them, an impulse of grace? God: Yes, exactly that. You initiate that impulse of grace, it is up to you to send them such impulses, and it is up to them whether these impulses will manifest or not. It depends on them, on their free will. Some of them will not accept that impulse at all, at least seemingly. Some will accept it partially and some completely. And in those who accept it completely, that impulse turns into longer-term help and support from God. Me: Dear God, is it better to pray or present demands to You? God: You can do both, but for now, because of your internal barriers and filters, it's still better to pray. Nevertheless, there is no need for you to feel any fear of Me. I am an endless and unconditional love that knows no fear. Therefore, sooner or later, you will get to the stage where you simply make demands of Me and it will mostly be fulfilled. But for now, you'd better pray. Me: Can you tell me something about Love? God: Love is the first emanation of God. Me: Can you tell me something about Peace and Joy? God: Both Peace and Joy are the first emanation of God, along with Love. Love, Peace, and Joy are the three aspects of the first emanation of God. It is also the Holy Trinity. Me: Should I look for perfection in everything? God: Yes. Especially in challenging moments and situations. The same applies to the so-called difficult people. Strive to find perfection in every person and thing, embracing it with your entire being. Dive deep into everything. It won't be easy at first. Little by little you will succeed in reaching ever more subtle levels of perfection in everything. Perfection exists in the physical, mental, and more subtle aspects of this world. Everything is perfect. Even hard feelings. Me: Can you explain to me how you get all the information? God: I am everywhere and I am one. Information implies a fundamental dichotomy between two entities: the knowledge that needs to be acquired and the individual who receives it. There is no dichotomy within Me. That is why I am omniscient. Past, present, and future, here and there… It does not exist for Me. I am all that and much more, infinitely more. Even I Am is a dichotomy. There is no way to describe Me in words. Each word is very limited. But let's say that I infinitely transcend every dichotomy. When you pray Me, I am both your prayer and the answer to it. Me: What could we talk about today? God: About Cosmic Consciousness. Cosmic consciousness is love. Love is the essence, the basis of Cosmic Consciousness. And love and presence are the same. When your heart is completely open, when you radiate pure love and presence, you will be in a state of Cosmic Consciousness. You or anyone else, it's all the same. Complete and pure love and presence bring union with God. Me: Is there a sentence or question I can ask myself whenever I notice a thought in my mind? God: Yes, it is this question: How can I improve this situation? By asking this question you are doing several very useful things. 1. You interrupt that chain of thought. 2. You accept the situation (to which the thought refers) as it is. You observe the situation and thus accept it. You do not declare it good or bad. 3. You take responsibility for your life by symbolically taking responsibility for that situation, regardless of whether it is a situation that directly relates to you and your life or some wider circumstances. You are the source and creator of everything. By repeating such a question you create a positive habit little by little and develop an approach to accepting full responsibility for your life. 4. You develop a positive approach to life. You become open to the possibility of improving any situation you perceive through that thought. This does not mean that you do not accept the situation as such, but you are open to improving it. Your answer to this question may be short, one or only a few words. For example, presence, understanding, acceptance, “irrelevant—I accept”, forgiveness, love, calmness, etc. Me: Dear God, what can we talk about today? God: Again, about forgiveness. The video you watched today on YouTube can serve as your inspiration. Your daily life is not quantized. It is a flow that goes left, right, up, down, forward, backward. Let the flow go as much as possible. This surrendering to the flow, this letting go, is not withdrawal. It is a conscious progression in accordance with the course of life. Life guides you. Likewise, when someone does something to you that you think is wrong or painful for you, accept it, surrender to the flow of it as you accept your feelings that you consider negative and surrender to them. In this way, those feelings lose their strength and gradually transform into light, into love. Feel that “negative” action or intention towards you as something longing for love and acceptance. Gift it your love and acceptance. And it will sooner or later turn into light and love. This is forgiveness. Me: Dear God, why is it important that we pray to You? Don't you always help us, whether we ask you for something or not? God: Don't forget that for Me your free will is a very important law that I always follow. When you ask Me for something, it is the expression of your free will, so I am obliged to help in some way, although in fact I am helping you all the time. However, without your prayer, My hands are rather tied, because you did not ask Me to do so of your own free will. You have not clearly stated what you need. In that case, as always, I help you with My continuous, but indirect support. On the other hand, when you directly address Me, I help you directly. “Directly” means that it is simply a response to your request and that the result of My help is often easily noticeable after that. Anyway, My way of helping you is subtle, not overt. If I were to act openly, like for example through some kind of representation of God in the heavens issuing orders or doing something to help you in that way, you would create a cult out of it; you may even develop fear of Me. That's why I always help you subtly, but even that subtly can be, as I said before, directly or indirectly. Dear God, what should I briefly say to myself if I become aware of an unpleasant internal dialogue? God: Say this: This is not me, but the cause is still in me. Help me, God, to uncover it and heal it. Me: Is it true that we should not eat meat, but only plant foods? God: Yes and no. For some people it is more true, for some people it is less true. It depends from person to person. For you personally, it is mostly not true. Why? Because you, your body, are better suited to meat-based food at this stage. That's what your body requires, to keep it healthier at an adequate level. For many other people, it is a different story. And it is not true that there is no contract between humanity and animals regarding the consumption of their meat. There are collective agreements between humanity and many animal species. The problem is that these contracts are not respected fully or at all. Many contracts are abused and therein lies the problem. Your personal consumption of meat and the consumption of meat by many other people does not quantitatively exceed the limits of the contract with those species. So you can continue to eat meat but still try to limit its intake. Me: Dear God, do you know our future? God: The answer is both yes and no. I, as the God of this universe and multiverse, have divided Myself into a vast multitude of you, souls, living your lives and experiencing various experiences. The pre-condition for gaining these experiences is ignorance of the future and limitation of perception. I accepted that condition in advance through you. I know all the possible outcomes of your decisions and intentions and I see and experience them. However, I do not go into what decisions you will make at every step, at every stage of your life. Through those decisions, you, as a being of free will, choose a certain outcome. I know everything, but I also learn through all these experiences in the multiverse. It is almost impossible to explain in words. Although I know everything in advance, I am still learning. Me: Do you pay attention to each of us equally and always? God: It is hard to express it in human language in such a way for your mind to understand it. Yes and no. I am present everywhere and in each of you, and I give you the same support everywhere and always. However, the kind of My support depends on your free will. Me: Dear God, why aren't there more of Your obvious miracles? God: First, life itself is a miracle filled with countless miracles. You are simply not aware of that. Second, from your perspective, which is of course very limited, I work subtly. It's not My style to work through big, public, and open miracles. Why? Because I respect the free will of every being. Free will limits Me here. Beings here generally do not believe in miracles and I respect that. Very rare overt miracles happen when the beings experiencing them subconsciously want to experience those miracles. It is therefore a very rare situation. But I repeat, life is a miracle in itself. Life is filled with countless miracles. Conclusion Although these dialogues offer an intimate perspective on the relationship between an individual (myself) and the divine, they also present a wider view of God as an omnipresent, loving force that communicates directly with us through our experiences, including thoughts. Several key themes emerge from these conversations. The importance of love, forgiveness, and presence is consistently emphasized, which aligns with many spiritual traditions that place love at the center of their teachings. The dialogues also accentuate the significance of personal responsibility and free will. God is portrayed as an entity that respects our choices and works within the framework of our free will. Another recurring theme is the interconnectedness of all things. In these conversations, God emphasizes that He is not separate from creation but is present in everything, including us. While these conversations represent God’s message that is, perhaps, quite distorted due to my ego’s beliefs and “filters”, I hope that you will be able to find many valuable insights for our spiritual journey and everyday life. Unquestionably, God invites us to look within ourselves and cultivate love, presence, and acceptance. God’s Core Messages:
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