![]() In theory, if you were traveling exactly at the speed of light, time would stop for you completely. Moreover, if you would be traveling faster than light, you would be traveling backward in time!
Practical notes
How can we intentionally move our consciousness along that “time coordinate” at all? What is the secret? Some of the “visionary” people I mentioned above, the so-called clairvoyants or seers, are endowed with some secret “element” incomprehensible to us, common people. What is that? The secret lies in our deep, subconscious attachment to this body and mind. Our body physically belongs to this cause-and-effect material universe and its physical laws, and its five senses virtually anchor it to this stream of experiences called “time.” Additionally, we are also identified with our minds and its countless thoughts, emotions, memories, beliefs, habits, etc. Those attachments make very dense veils that cut us away from a wide-ranging inner knowledge, including information on past and future, as well as on the other timelines as well. We can call them the veils of ignorance. In this case, they cut us off from our inherent abilities to move along space-time coordinates at will. However, the veils have their purpose in our lives. Without them, the “game of life” wouldn’t be possible at all. What are these veils of ignorance, causing our total immersion into this very real „illusion”? Basically, they are our misperceptions or unawareness of various layers of Reality. They are directly connected to our identifications, beliefs and other elements of personality, described in the Reintegration System. We think we are something else than we truly are. In fact, whatever we think we are, we are wrong. It can only be that we just are, as opposed to the notion that we are something or someone. Every single identification contributes a little bit to our immersion in this world of illusion. Our various attachments make very dense veils that cut us away from a wide-ranging inner knowledge, including information on past and future, as well as on the other timelines as well. We can call them the veils of ignorance.
So, if we want to remove those veils, we must release our desires and fears, habits, emotions, thoughts, and many other parts of our personality. The best way to do that is to reintegrate them in a non-aggressive, benevolent way.
Luckily, these veils are usually being released spontaneously, through the reintegration of various elements of personality, layer by layer. And if they are not released yet, we also treat them with non-invasive meditative or psychological techniques, like all the other elements of personality. If we are uncertain which element to deal with, we just have to look around us - the outer world is a projection of our inner universe. The holographic principle [4] will impeccably lead us along this path.
As our work continues, our consciousness will be expanding, while unconscious limitations are being dropped away progressively. The reintegration work will be resembling the art more and more, as the mystery of life unfolds in most surprising and beautiful ways.
The main result of such an extensive inner work can be one’s spiritual growth or enlightenment, while time travel and other extraordinary abilities can only be side-effects. [1] Rest mass is an inherent property of elementary particles. It is the mass of a particle when at rest (its velocity equals zero). [2] In mathematics, an imaginary number is a number that when squared gives a negative result. (If you square any Real Number you always get a positive, or zero, result. The "unit" imaginary numbers (the same as "1" for Real Numbers) is √(-1) (the square root of minus one), and its symbol is i, or j. Source: www.mathsisfun.com/definitions/imaginary-numbers.html [3] The best example of this behavior is the well-known “Double-slit experiment.” For more information, see article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment [4] Basically, the holographic principle says that each part of an entity contains complete information on the whole entity. Accordingly, within every human being, as a part of the Universe, there is complete information about the Universe. Similarly, the same correlation is between one's inner and outer reality. More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle
AuthorNebo D. Lukovich “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see.” ― Alexandra K. Trenfor
If we want to talk about discerning genuine spiritual teachers from the false ones, we must first define what a spiritual teacher is. Generally speaking, it is a vague term and may cover a broad range of spiritual masters, coaches, mentors, or advisers. We could even differentiate spiritual teachers by the levels of their spiritual awareness:
Setting aside the levels of teaching mentioned above, for this purpose, I will define the spiritual teacher as the person who is helping a student in their spiritual path, in a trustworthy and reliable manner. The teacher is doing that by pointing the student to the spiritual liberation, in the most suitable way for her/him. Although these teachers themselves cannot do the spiritual work for their students, they still have an enormous responsibility for many people. They are usually in a position to be giving various practical advice and offer spiritual leadership, so if they are impostors, that could ruin the lives of their followers. And their own lives also. Unfortunately, there are too many deceivers in this field today. The danger of misleading spiritual guidance The most obvious motive of these impostors for deceiving others is gaining material benefit, as “spirituality” has become a huge business today. But there are certainly other reasons as well: they can temporarily satisfy their ego and vanity; they try to suppress their feeling of inferiority, or they are sometimes even split personalities. Although their practical advice on dealing with numerous kinds of life situations can really be helpful occasionally, the subtle background of their instructions is flawed. Therefore, even if their directions were correct, people who listened to them would, at the deeper level, sense the fundamental inadequacy of their guidance and would often subconsciously undermine their own subsequent actions based on that guidance. The results are almost always unsatisfactory, sometimes even disastrous. How to recognize genuine spiritual teachers? Luckily, there are quite a lot of authentic spiritual leaders around. How do they behave? What are their recognizable traits? Genuine spiritual teachers must be the best examples of their own preaching themselves. They ought to be genuinely benevolent, conscious beings, in contact with their True Nature. Hence, their spiritual messages must be stemming from that inner Truth. They can impeccably point to the direction which is just right for us. First, they are almost always calm and peaceful. In their daily life, they are honest and humble. You can feel their benevolence and kindness, they simply radiate love. They don’t talk about themselves, never boasting about anything. They are not domineering, forceful, rude or unkind to people around them. When we are in their presence, we spontaneously become peaceful and confident. If a person offers to be our spiritual guide, and we know nothing about their everyday lifestyle, we just have to calm down and feel their presence with our inner body. If we don’t feel an increasing inner peace or love, if we can’t relax in their presence even if they are seemingly kind to us, then they are not genuine, at least for us at that moment. We have to withdraw and find another teacher. For example, you want to ask a spiritual teacher how to deal with a concrete problem. You are close to them and feel confident and peaceful in their presence. You feel their benevolence. That’s the sign for you to trust them. If you suddenly felt fear or anxiety in your belly while thinking of the issue itself, don’t retract. It was simply your pain, not some sensing of the teacher’s delusion. Go ahead and ask. Trust them, their directions will enable you to solve your problem. However, don’t expect them to be absolutely perfect. If they were perfect, they couldn’t exist in this material world at all. They would apparently disappear from this material plane, as their frequency would be too high for it. Thus, they all have some imperfections, some flaws that anchor them to this world of inertia and matter. Whether held on purpose or being simply neglected, these inadequacies are typically insignificant, almost unrecognizable in the ordinary lives of those genuine people. They also have their inner struggles, but they are still completely honest and determined in their path. Yet, the whole responsibility for our life lies upon us. They can only point to the ways in which we take that responsibility. Inner struggles are always reflected in the outer world Meanwhile, we shouldn’t forget that we are the best teachers for ourselves. In fact, our everyday life is the perfect spiritual teacher. As the Holographic Principle tells us, all people around us, including all life circumstances and events we find us in, are symbolical projections of our inner being. Every suppressed trauma or emotion that needs to be resolved, every obsessive thought that needs to be overcome, every inner obstacle to the path of inner freedom—all are mirrored in our body and life circumstances. Therefore, our friends and enemies, our problems and desires—all are our genuine spiritual teachers who are showing us the path toward the final liberation. All the right knowledge is within us and the external teachers and guides are simply manifestations of our inner Truth. We must be honest with ourselves and the world outside will be honest to us. If we can recognize and admit to ourselves our mistakes and inner flaws, we will be ready for the right spiritual teacher who will sooner or later appear in our external world. On the other hand, if we are often too proud or arrogant to see our inadequacies, if we are dishonest and prone to keeping many secrets from our friends, we will get similar people in our surroundings. Such people will unconsciously teach us (the hard way) some basic lessons of spiritual life. We should open our hearts, be modest, honest, and open-minded. If we haven’t yet mastered these harsh lessons, we might even meet a “spiritual teacher” who will represent exactly the issues we should deal with—he or she will be full of “secrets,” ego-trips, vanity, and lies. Such a “teacher” will “help us” in getting very painful, but necessary life lessons. That would also be a vital step toward our final spiritual liberation. Geomaria GeorgeAdvocate of Right to Happiness AuthorNebo D. Lukovich We are encountering various immature, stubborn or spiritually unconscious beings all the time. They can be little children, animals or even grown up people with mental or emotional issues. Although most of the time these interactions can be lovely and amusing, they can also turn out to be extremely challenging, as these beings are ignorant and don’t care much about our expectations or socially suitable behavior. If we find their behavior unacceptable, we might try every possible known method of persuasion, we may try to talk with them, entice them or anything else, to no avail. They will continue with the same or even worse conduct. In many cases, we are tempted to react inappropriately. We can become desperate, get angry, even aggressive. But that certainly doesn’t help at all. The child, or our lovely pet, acts defensively and the situation gets worse. Whatever we do, it doesn’t help. They simply cannot understand us. Even if they understand the language itself, they don’t get our point or simply overlook it. What can we do after all? There is a “classical” solution, which we will label here as being a short-term solution. There is also a meditative approach, based on everyday mindfulness and being fully present and attentive in the company of those stubborn beings. And finally, there is a simple, often overlooked solution, but the ultimate one: to root out our own unconsciousness. Short-term solution So, the first strategy is the short-term one: we must be very patient and careful in our conduct, applying carefully numerous patterns of responses, which are proven to be most suitable in such situations. There are tons of psychological, pedagogical and other material out there covering this field, so I will not elaborate much on that here. I put them all under the label “short-term solution”, not wanting to offend countless hardworking scientists and enthusiasts. This label simply means this: by doing this way and being persistent in that, you will probably improve a lot the asocial behavior of your loving, but unconscious being. However, you will not solve the root of the problem – there will always be some more annoying, unpersuasive and stubborn persons popping up in your life. They all will be different and new, but you will have to do your “homework” again and again. The reason is simple: you haven’t solved the inner source of the problem. Yourself. Long-term solution A long-term solution is to practice mindfulness and loving-kindness in these challenging relationships. Mindfulness is the practice of living consciously in the present moment. If we want to live mindfully, we should be aware of every emotion, thought, every motion of our body, sensation, texture, sound, taste and smell. From time to time, we should pause and direct attention to our sense of self. All the time we should sustain that state of self-awareness during every activity. Most of this also applies to the challenging relationships with various beings. Being mindful in a company of an annoying person or animal who is deeply unconscious of their unacceptable behavior means to be fully attentive in their presence, without thoughts, receptive and non-reactive. You cannot persuade them, nor convince them to do anything you would like them to do. You cannot influence them directly, only indirectly, with your own inner peace. Your stillness will spread onto them sooner or later, but you must be patient, it won’t happen instantaneously. Another part of this approach is the loving-kindness. Simply put, you have to open up your heart completely to those beings. You have to accept and love them as they are now. You have to love even their annoying behavior. Mindfulness in this kind of relationships, combined with loving-kindness, if applied persistently, will gradually yet fundamentally change your whole life. It’ll radically transform the problematic relationships, and, in a subtle way, those beings themselves as well. However, this approach is difficult to maintain and it’s advisable to employ it with another method, which is based on the so-called holographic principle. Let me elaborate more on that. Ultimate solution Is there an ultimate solution? Yes, there is. In this case, it is a very elegant one, but don’t think it’s a kind of magic wand. No. It’ll also require some inner work and taking full responsibility for your life. The baseline of this approach is the holographic principle. It's a principle applicable in many areas of science and human behavior. Basically, it says that each part of an entity contains complete information on the whole entity. Accordingly, within every human being, as a part of the Universe, there is complete information about the Universe. Similarly, the same correlation is between one's inner and outer reality.[1] The world around us is a strange but relentless mirror. All people in our life are playing some role to us as symbolic “projections” of our particular traits. Of course, I’m not implying that other people are not real, or that they are just reflections from our mirror. They are as real as us, as any animal or thing. But we are involved in their individual, unique universes the same way they are involved in ours. Any person or thing of significance to us unconsciously plays a role in mirroring our own internal universe, just as we do theirs. On that basis, we can derive the following deduction: all unconscious beings that interact with us are external projections of unconscious parts of our own being. This implies that those little children or cute pets behave exactly in accordance with our inner unconscious patterns. When we become aware of these patterns and reintegrate them back into our consciousness, the corresponding fellows around us will inevitably change their conduct, too. We must ask ourselves: What is my hidden personal trait which corresponds to this behavior? We have to be absolutely open-minded and honest with ourselves. There is surely some pattern, probably hidden in our past, buried deeply into our subconscious, which emerges from time to time projected onto our external world as the annoying and stubborn fellow in our life. When we find this particular trait or traits, we must not fight them. That would only suppress, even strengthen them more. Instead, we have to reintegrate them back into our personality. There are many methods of doing that, and I would recommend here the Reintegration techniques. Of course, there are many other great sources out there, for example, the books and teachings of my favorite spiritual author, Eckhart Tolle. Finally, when we reintegrate a particular subconscious pattern, the outside world will adjust to the new situation: the behavior of our little fellows will be completely transformed in such a way that we will be deeply surprised with it. Combined approach After all, the combined approach is always the best solution. It is very advisable to do the reintegration work regularly on hidden parts of our personality, while being mindful and loving toward those beings at the same time. We should work on ourselves, rather than keep trying to change the external people or circumstances. When we change our inner world, the external reality will follow that, slowly but inevitably. The key to every challenge and every pleasure is always within us.
[1] It seems that modern science is also going toward the holographic idea. A lot of groundbreaking research has been done in the last couple of decades in the fields of neurology and psychology, showing striking correspondence with holographic principle, especially related to memory and other functions of the human brain. Moreover, the holographic model is also emerging in theoretical physics, particularly in string theory. For more information on this principle you may refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holonomic_brain_theory, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle or to Michael Talbot’s remarkable book “The Holographic Universe” (Harper Perennial, New York, NY, 1992). AuthorNebo D. Lukovich ![]() There could be various causes of self-sabotage. For example:
How to determine the cause of your self-sabotaging behavior and remove it?
The basics steps of the Determination Technique are:
These are the three basic ways in which you can remove most of your self-sabotaging behaviors and traits. However, some of them will be so deeply ingrained in your subconscious that you will need much more comprehensive approach, dealing with many of the above-mentioned types of inner obstacles. For those cases, again, you can refer to the Reintegration System, but there are also numerous great psychological or spiritual techniques that can be found on the Internet or within the professional literature. One more tip: regular sitting meditation and mindfulness will surely help you, not only with the self-sabotaging issue, but also with all other aspects of your life. Good luck with your inner work! |
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