In theory, if you were traveling exactly at the speed of light, time would stop for you completely. Moreover, if you would be traveling faster than light, you would be traveling backward in time!
Practical notes
How can we intentionally move our consciousness along that “time coordinate” at all? What is the secret? Some of the “visionary” people I mentioned above, the so-called clairvoyants or seers, are endowed with some secret “element” incomprehensible to us, common people. What is that? The secret lies in our deep, subconscious attachment to this body and mind. Our body physically belongs to this cause-and-effect material universe and its physical laws, and its five senses virtually anchor it to this stream of experiences called “time.” Additionally, we are also identified with our minds and its countless thoughts, emotions, memories, beliefs, habits, etc. Those attachments make very dense veils that cut us away from a wide-ranging inner knowledge, including information on past and future, as well as on the other timelines as well. We can call them the veils of ignorance. In this case, they cut us off from our inherent abilities to move along space-time coordinates at will. However, the veils have their purpose in our lives. Without them, the “game of life” wouldn’t be possible at all. What are these veils of ignorance, causing our total immersion into this very real „illusion”? Basically, they are our misperceptions or unawareness of various layers of Reality. They are directly connected to our identifications, beliefs and other elements of personality, described in the Reintegration System. We think we are something else than we truly are. In fact, whatever we think we are, we are wrong. It can only be that we just are, as opposed to the notion that we are something or someone. Every single identification contributes a little bit to our immersion in this world of illusion. Our various attachments make very dense veils that cut us away from a wide-ranging inner knowledge, including information on past and future, as well as on the other timelines as well. We can call them the veils of ignorance.
So, if we want to remove those veils, we must release our desires and fears, habits, emotions, thoughts, and many other parts of our personality. The best way to do that is to reintegrate them in a non-aggressive, benevolent way.
Luckily, these veils are usually being released spontaneously, through the reintegration of various elements of personality, layer by layer. And if they are not released yet, we also treat them with non-invasive meditative or psychological techniques, like all the other elements of personality. If we are uncertain which element to deal with, we just have to look around us - the outer world is a projection of our inner universe. The holographic principle [4] will impeccably lead us along this path.
As our work continues, our consciousness will be expanding, while unconscious limitations are being dropped away progressively. The reintegration work will be resembling the art more and more, as the mystery of life unfolds in most surprising and beautiful ways.
The main result of such an extensive inner work can be one’s spiritual growth or enlightenment, while time travel and other extraordinary abilities can only be side-effects. [1] Rest mass is an inherent property of elementary particles. It is the mass of a particle when at rest (its velocity equals zero). [2] In mathematics, an imaginary number is a number that when squared gives a negative result. (If you square any Real Number you always get a positive, or zero, result. The "unit" imaginary numbers (the same as "1" for Real Numbers) is √(-1) (the square root of minus one), and its symbol is i, or j. Source: [3] The best example of this behavior is the well-known “Double-slit experiment.” For more information, see article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: [4] Basically, the holographic principle says that each part of an entity contains complete information on the whole entity. Accordingly, within every human being, as a part of the Universe, there is complete information about the Universe. Similarly, the same correlation is between one's inner and outer reality. More info at
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