A New View on Fine-Tuning of the Universe (With Some Practical Implications for Our Lives)30/8/2017
There’s no law of physics that hasn’t been transcended. In the end, the only law is that there is no law. - John Wheeler, theoretical physicist
Modern science has reached the point where it is inquiring the very foundations of the universe. Was it created by a conscious creator? Or did it simply pop out from nothingness, by a mere chance?
There are countless debates now whether the physical laws of the universe are finely tuned to support biological life or not. There is a good reason for that: they indeed seem to be tweaked for life. Universal Constants As you probably know, many laws of physics are deeply dependent on various constant numbers that are parts of equations describing these laws. Those numbers are called the universal constants – the speed of light (c), gravitational constant (G), electric constant (ε0), Planck's constant (ħ), the mass of an electron (me), two parameters of the Higgs field potential, etc. Moreover, there are also even more fundamental constants that are dimensionless (i.e. not dependent on the unit system used to express the quantity). Those are, for example, the fine-structure constant (α), which defines the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles, or proton-to-electron mass ratio, or the cosmological constant, which is the density of dark energy in the universe, and so on. There is a strong notion among scientists, backed by many extrapolations, that if any of these universal constants were only slightly different, the Universe wouldn’t be supportive of any kind of biological life. For example, if the gravitational constant were smaller, the stars couldn’t be formed. If it were too large, the stars couldn’t survive or their life span would be much shorter, so in either case, life wouldn’t be possible. Similar conclusions can be deduced for all other universal constants. If any of these universal constants were only slightly different, the Universe wouldn’t be supportive of any kind of biological life.
One of the solutions could be that we live in a multiverse, consisting of a huge or even infinite number of universes, each having different internal laws of physics.
Hence, the possibility of the emergence of a universe out of nothing, which is suitable for biological life and/or development of conscious beings, is practically equal to zero. There must be a conscious creator of this world.
Or is it so? One of the solutions could be that we live in a multiverse, consisting of a huge or even infinite number of universes, each having different internal laws of physics.
The laws of quantum physics undoubtedly indicate that matter and antimatter should always be equal in their quantity. (...)
What we call matter is simply everything that is composed mostly of quarks, that aggregate into protons (positively charged subatomic particles) and neutrons, and also of electrons (which are negatively charged). Together, they form atoms.
On the other hand, antimatter can also create atoms of the same characteristics and overall electric charge, with the only one difference: their nuclei consist of antiquarks (antiprotons and antineutrons), while their mantle is being filled with positrons (electron’s positively charged counterparts). However, if you were to combine atoms of matter and antimatter, you would get a huge explosion of energy. Atom and antiatom would have completely annihilated. They are exact opposites. The laws of quantum physics undoubtedly indicate that matter and antimatter should always be equal in their quantity. Whenever pure energy is converted into particles, a pair of matter-antimatter particles pops up into existence. In accordance with that, one could posit that in the beginning of time there should be exactly the same amounts of matter and antimatter, after which they would have annihilated, making this universe lifeless, composed of pure energy only. AuthorNebo D. Lukovich Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you. - Rumi Holographic principle All concepts and ideas described in this article are based on the holographic principle as the premise. Here’s why. A new theory in modern physics says that we are living in the holographic universe. It’s a mathematical idea examined thoroughly in string theory. According to it, we are 3D projections of a 2D reality right at the outermost edges of our universe. The theory is yet to be confirmed, but recent astronomical observations can be even better explained by the holographic model than by the standard cosmological model.[1] This leads us to the holographic paradigm itself, which is obviously entering the realm of science. Although the cosmological holographic model doesn’t focus on human scale, our individual reality could consequently be a hologram itself. More on holographic principle and its consequences to our lives you can find at this page. Nevertheless, if we apply the holographic view on our individual lives, it becomes clear that we must take absolute responsibility for our existence. That view tells us that everything around us is simply a mirrored image of our inner being. I would add here, the symbolical image. [1] See article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle Honestly, my whole life absolutely confirms this idea. When you take the full responsibility for your life, you will soon see that everything around you is indeed a mirrored image of yourself. You are the only one who is in charge of your life, and that’s the most beautiful thing in the whole picture. As we are parts of the universal hologram, everything around us tells us some important story about ourselves. What’s also important to know is that those stories are always conveying their messages in some sort of symbolical form. That’s why we can find the deep symbolism in quantum physics and relativity. Moreover, those symbolic parallels to our everyday life can give us very practical and valuable advice. Through symbolism, the quantum world tells us about the foundations of our existence as conscious beings and gives us some important clues on possible solutions to fundamental questions of our existence. On huge scales, we have astronomy and cosmology. Relativity is also mostly seen as a part of physics that describes the inner workings of the universe at large scales. All of them are telling us about the bigger picture of our lives – about God, Good and Evil, about our personality, other human beings and other important big ingredients of life. Now, let’s take a look at some of these thought-provoking insights. Symbolism in astronomy Space-time and energy On big scales, the Universe consists of four main ingredients: space, time, matter and energy. Modern physics teaches us that space and time constitute one four-dimensional continuum called space-time, while matter and energy are also one entity – we can call it simply energy. What is space-time? It’s a background of the whole stage. It’s the womb of energy and its countless forms. It symbolizes the Source, the primal foundation of consciousness and all its experiences. On the other hand, energy symbolizes consciousness. Its denser form – matter or mass – symbolizes limited (localized) consciousness, while pure energy – or light – symbolizes unlimited, or all-pervading consciousness. Symbols:
Stars and solar systems Perhaps the most prominent features of the cosmos are stars. While the Milky Way galaxy can represent the whole humanity, stars can symbolize individual human souls. They are generators of light itself. Moreover, stars maintain innumerable life forms on their planets. They are also symbols of Good, Light and Joy. Our solar system represents human personality. Consequently, planets, planetoids, asteroids, comets and all other sorts of celestial bodies that lurk around within the system – they symbolize innumerable parts of the human personality. In accordance with that, the well-known fact in psychology is that every personality consists of countless “bigger” or “smaller” parts or aspects. Each part has its own life, orbits around the sun, or has a specific “purpose.” The planets, asteroids and other bodies are frequently colliding with each other or ejecting the other bodies from their previous orbits, even from the entire solar system. This happens all the time with our own aspects of personality, too. They are often mutually discordant, clashing with each other, bringing us numerous troubles and failures in that way. It’s interesting that the vast majority of stars are parts of binary star systems. Sometimes there are even more than two stars in a single system. Those stars, although normally very different in their size and type, are almost eternally tied to each other. Stars are giving us a strong symbolic spiritual message: our souls are the sources of consciousness, very longevous, but still mortal. Our personalities, clustered around their souls, are stable only if all of their parts are settled within stable positions, in mutual harmony. If the core of our being – the soul – is mortal, then what is immortal? Light. It is generated mostly by stars, but it’s not dependent on them. It's immortal and omnipresent. So, also in this symbolism, light represents our consciousness. In ancient times, our souls were often born with their twin counterparts (as within the binary star systems). In most of these cases, our so-called twin-flames (or soul mates) are very different from us, yet are we linked by destiny. However, you will see later that we can learn more on the nature of twin-flames from the quantum physics symbolism. Symbols:
Mass There is a pretty strict rule in the stellar world: the more massive a star, the shorter its life. Translated to our symbolic language, our souls have inherent egoistic inclinations. Mass symbolizes human ego and its characteristic traits, such as pride, vanity, laziness, procrastination, limited perception, etc. Nevertheless, without their huge mass, stars wouldn’t be able to ignite the thermonuclear reaction within themselves, which is the source of their heat and light. Accordingly, ego is necessary for living in this world; it definitely has some important functions for our survival in this world – thinking, classifying data, prioritizing, and much more. The majority of stars are the so-called red dwarfs, the least massive type of stars. But they live very, very long – for over 100 billion years. They die off slowly, transforming and swelling into the “red giants” and eventually disappearing, leaving a small “corpses” behind – the “white dwarfs.” On the other hand, if a star is very massive, being, for example, the “blue giant” star, its radiation (emitted heat and light) will be extremely high, but the lifespan will be much shorter – even “only” a few million years. And if the star is sufficiently massive, it’ll eventually die through a huge explosion, as a supernova. What happens with its remnants – the dense core? It may become a neutron star, an extremely dense and hot “corpse,” or something even worse – a black hole. This symbolism says: people with a “big ego” will eventually achieve a dramatic enlightenment (“supernova explosion”), but will also leave some dangerous remnants or deeds behind (“neutron star” or “black hole”). Also, people with a “small” ego will have many incarnations but eventually are not likely to achieve any dramatic enlightenment– they will attain the final liberation gradually and peacefully. Symbols:
Black holes What are the opposites to stars? The black holes. They are the celestial bodies so massive that they suck in all matter in their vicinity. Even light itself cannot escape if it passes the purported “event horizon,” the ultimate dead zone radius. Black holes are the ultimate monsters. In our story of spiritual symbolism, they could represent the ultimate ego, vampires or the evil principle itself. Nevertheless, every black hole also has its beginning and end. After eating all matter in its neighborhood, the black hole will eventually disappear through the purported “Hawking radiation.” However, without black holes, galaxies wouldn’t exist at all. Being located in the galaxies’ cores, supermassive black holes are their gravitational foundations. Therefore, without black holes, there wouldn’t be any new-born stars that can be born only in galaxies. We wouldn’t be here after all. Practical, symbolic meaning of black holes would be this: too much pride, egoism and vanity can eventually lead to forming a psychological vampire that sucks out life energy from people around him. However, without the dark side of human nature, humanity wouldn’t exist at all. Ultimately, it has a positive role to us: it’s forcing us to stick together, to grow and mature up into a better version of ourselves. Symbol:
Time as the measure of limitation of consciousness The theory of relativity undoubtedly says: massless entities (such as light) do not experience time at all. Conversely, if a massive body approaches the speed of light, the passage of time gets ever slower. Symbolically speaking, when someone is fully conscious, time goes very slowly for them. When someone acquires absolute consciousness, time stops for them. Space does exist, but only in a form of four-dimensional continuum of space-time, experienced all at once, simultaneously and totally. The individual (if we can call them that way whatsoever) is infinite, omniscient, eternal and omnipresent. One could say – the “individual” becomes God Himself. On the other hand, if a person is totally unconscious, time is infinite for them. When someone gets unconscious, either through sleep without dreams or in a comma, they instantaneously pass through time, into the future when they get on their feet, conscious again. They virtually jump into the future. Symbols:
The one who is enlightened experiences omniscience, omnipresence, and timelessness. Quantum physics’ symbolism Quantum physics is probably the least intuitively understood branch of science, not only by ordinary people but physicists themselves. The natural phenomena observed on that level are so strange and fascinating, that they are the source of endless inspiration for both science and mysticism. Although the things and events at this level to our senses seem blurred and warped somehow, the quantum theory is one of the most accurate and successful scientific theories yet! Double-slit experiment and the observer’s role Subatomic particles’ behavior apparently depends on the presence of an observer. It has been proven by the astonishing Double-slit experiment, countless times. In short, the experiment involved shooting quantum particles through a couple of narrow slits, then examining where they hit the wall on the other side. It was revealed that the particles, when not being watched by any human eye (through a measuring device), formed an ‘interference pattern’ on the wall, just like a wave would do. But when scientists watched which particular slit the particles passed through, their trajectories changed and instead formed clumps on the wall, just like real particles would do. The quantum particles changed their behavior depending on the existence of an observer. We can reformulate this conclusion to its most basic level: consciousness somehow subtly influences matter, at least at the subatomic level. Is there such an influence on the macroscopic scale? Many quantum physicists think so. The so-called “Copenhagen interpretation” of the double-slit experiment’s results indicate this: in every single moment of our conscious existence we are “collapsing the quantum wave function” and choosing only one of the myriad possible universes that lie ahead of us. Therefore, we are not some passive experiencers of reality. On the contrary, we are actively choosing our reality ahead and making it real. Still, all those possible lines of time are real in a sense, we could say, as “potential realities.” And these potential realities can be real to other conscious beings. The double-slit experiment tells us, both directly and symbolically, that we are the creators of our individual realities. Symbol:
Quantum entanglement The “Quantum entanglement” phenomenon, said by Albert Einstein to be a kind of “spooky action at a distance,”[1] has marked the first real proof of the inherent, interconnected properties of subatomic particles. The experimental data involved separating two photons from one another—both of which came from the same parent group of particles, originally—and stimulating only one of them to watch what reaction came from the other. Surprisingly, the unstimulated photon would mimic the actions of its partner, maintaining an identical quantum state... as though they’d never been separated at all. [1] See article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_entanglement For example, if one photon was influenced by a measurement and forced to change its quantum state (i.e. spin), the other photon would simultaneously change its spin the same way, no matter their distance, regardless of the speed of light limitations. And that’s said to be the case with all other quantum systems. This phenomenon is a perfect example of the so-called quantum nonlocality. It can be described as the apparent ability of particles to instantaneously “know” about each other’s state, irrespective of the distance between them. So, what does that suggest for all of us, considering that all particles in this universe were originally part of the same “one system,” starting with the Big Bang? The majority of the particles were separated and may have since lost their mutual entanglement, yes, but the notion still exists that virtually everything may still be profoundly linked. Could that not prove that we all are, too? Symbols:
Quantum tunneling The “Quantum tunneling” phenomenon is being observed when a particle tunnels through a barrier that it otherwise could not pass through from the point of view of classical physics. Tunneling is, in fact, the consequence of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the wave–particle duality of matter. This behavior of subatomic particles corresponds to some Sci-Fi concepts, such as teleportation or paranormal curiosities like bi-location and also teleportation. Moreover, the quantum tunneling phenomenon teaches us how to behave in our everyday life, when we face an obstacle. Sometimes it will be enough just to be persistent, wait calmly and, to our surprise, we will pass through the barrier. Symbols:
Two types of elementary particles The main features of the quantum world are fields and particles. In fact, every sub-atomic particle is an excitation or fluctuation of its own field, which is omnipresent. We could say that every particle is a sort of “condensed” energy. However, there are two main types of elementary particles in the quantum world: the massive and the massless particles, i.e. those with the “rest mass” and those without it. Massless particles are always traveling at the speed of light. That’s the only possibility for them. That also means that they do not “experience” time. Moreover, they are omnipresent, as space (as we know it) do not exist for them. That reminds us of God or absolute consciousness. Mass is not an inherent, mysterious feature of an elementary particle. It’s a property given by the Higgs field. It gives mass to every massive particle, from the “outside.” It’s a kind of a dense “soup” through which all massive particles must pass along their ways. This reminds us of our existence – full of various obstacles, with a very limited and unstable consciousness. On the other hand, massless particles, like photons (quanta of light), for some reason, are not impeded by the Higgs field. (That reason is well-known in physics and I’ll jump on it later on.) Regardless the elementary particles’ responsiveness to the Higgs field, all of them are traveling at the speed of light. The only difference between the massive and massless particles is that the massive ones are impeded by the Higgs field. Although still traveling at the speed of light, they are actually “oscillating” at the speed of light within tiny boundaries all around them, imposed by the Higgs field. As said above, according to the equations of Einstein’s relativistic physics, all particles traveling at the speed of light don’t “experience” time and space. From their “point of view,” they are everywhere, and the lifespan of the whole existence is within their “now.” In a way, photons have no speed at all. In our symbolic language, light symbolizes God’s presence. It is the symbol of perfectly enlightened people. Unlike the elementary particles, which do not consist of any sub-particles, complex systems like protons, neutrons, atoms or molecules are always impeded by the Higgs field plus by all four elementary forces of nature. So, we are too. Symbols:
The role of Higgs field Let us assume that we are genuinely symbolized by the massive elementary particle. It’s impeded by the Higgs field. How can we transform ourselves into the light? How to avoid the hampering effect of the Higgs field? Answers to these questions might be very important because they could give us some invaluable clues how to “become” light, i.e. how to acquire the final liberation, Nirvana, or whatever you call it. Modern physics says that a specific type of polarization of particles is the main reason why some of them have mass and some don’t. “They (massless and massive elementary particles) are the same, really. All particles are fundamentally massless. Those with a rest mass acquire it only via a constant interaction with a field which provides the energy measured as the rest mass.” - Matus Marko, https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-relation-between-a-massless-particle-and-particles-with-mass/answer/Matus-Marko?srid=ueliZ “There is a fundamental difference between a massless and massive vector boson which is the number of polarizations that the particle has. Massless vector bosons only have two polarizations (transverse) which is why polarizers on sunglasses work the way they do. Massive vector bosons have three polarizations, the two transverse and a longitudinal. (…) The Higgs boson can only give three vector bosons mass.” - Jay Wacker, https://www.quora.com/Does-the-Higgs-Boson-give-photons-mass/answer/Jay-Wacker?srid=ueliZ The massless particle, since it doesn’t have the longitudinal polarization, cannot “go back and forth,” since it would have to accelerate and decelerate. Symbols:
Practical directions to liberation There are two ways of converting the massive particle into a massless one: either through annihilation with its anti-particle or through the elimination of its longitudinal polarization. The former is happening all the time in nature, as well in scientific laboratories and colliders, while the latter is purely theoretical, at the moment. Still, both approaches are inherently the same. Through merging with its anti-matter counterpart, the particle cancels out its polarization and consequently transforms into light. If we translate this symbolism into a meaningful advice for our spiritual life, we would have to integrate with our anti-persona. What would that mean? Does it mean that we need to re-unite with our soul-mate (or twin-flame)? Well, not really, although in the outer world that might help, if the person is really the twin-flame. But then again, the real solution is to remove the inner roots of our limitations. Deep inside our souls, there are particular polarities that are actively obstructing us to attain our natural state – absolute freedom. We have to accept and embrace the unconscious, “dark” part of our being, the “shadow self.” We also need to fully accept the opposite sex within us. We have to reintegrate all other fundamental, yet deeply hidden polarities of our personality (many of them you can find in my book “Deep Personal Transformation,” downloadable for free on Amazon.com, at this address). However, if we reintegrated these polarities, wouldn’t we still have some “mass”? As the majority of the mass of complex entities, such as protons, neutrons, and atoms, comes from other basic interactions (strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force), wouldn’t we still have almost the same “heaviness” in everyday life? According to this symbolism, no. If we had an imaginary situation of converting, for example, a quark into a photon, neither the strong nuclear nor electromagnetic force could exert any influence on that photon anymore. So, the particle would have become completely free. Meaning, when we reintegrate all polarities, we will achieve the liberation, we’ll get enlightened. Easier said than done. Even after passing through the whole list of inner polarities that we are aware of, many of them will still be hidden from our sight. Hence, we need a comprehensive approach to our transformation. We need to continue with the work, to encompass many other types of inner obstacles, i.e. to deal with habits, limiting beliefs, negative rules, fears and other emotions, decisions, subpersonalities, etc. Being reintegrated one by one, these aspects of our being will allow us to become aware of many more subtle polarities that we hadn’t been conscious of before. And through the reintegration work itself, we will be naturally merging many of these polarities, too. We can now conclude that the secret to liberation lies in merging the opposites within us. Symbols:
Conclusion We all want liberation in some way, whether we are theists or atheists, religious or not, inclined to science or not… We all need to be happy and to free ourselves from suffering. There are countless paths to that goal, but all of them must encompass a direct or indirect work on ourselves. Dealing with numerous parts of our being, like traumas from the past, bad habits, negative beliefs, fear, anger, sorrow…is inevitable if we really want the enlightenment. This inner work is difficult, yet inspirational, sometimes even humorous. But we must be persistent. We can work with these parts directly, using many psychological or spiritual techniques, or indirectly, by determinedly focusing on our True nature (the pure consciousness or God, if you like), through meditation sittings, mindfulness or prayers.
All of these approaches are legitimate. However, each of them might be suitable for a particular type of people and their personalities. Yet, I firmly believe that we can help each other in that process. That’s crucial. I didn’t mention love in this text, but it’s present throughout it, even within the “cold equations” of mathematics or physics. I also believe that there are so many hidden messages yet to be discovered in quantum physics or relativity, worth of our “symbolic translation” into many valuable pieces of spiritual advice. If you find any additional symbol that could help people in their spiritual or psychological transformation, not only within these scientific fields but also in other branches of human thought, please make a comment and share with us!
In theory, if you were traveling exactly at the speed of light, time would stop for you completely. Moreover, if you would be traveling faster than light, you would be traveling backward in time!
Practical notes
How can we intentionally move our consciousness along that “time coordinate” at all? What is the secret? Some of the “visionary” people I mentioned above, the so-called clairvoyants or seers, are endowed with some secret “element” incomprehensible to us, common people. What is that? The secret lies in our deep, subconscious attachment to this body and mind. Our body physically belongs to this cause-and-effect material universe and its physical laws, and its five senses virtually anchor it to this stream of experiences called “time.” Additionally, we are also identified with our minds and its countless thoughts, emotions, memories, beliefs, habits, etc. Those attachments make very dense veils that cut us away from a wide-ranging inner knowledge, including information on past and future, as well as on the other timelines as well. We can call them the veils of ignorance. In this case, they cut us off from our inherent abilities to move along space-time coordinates at will. However, the veils have their purpose in our lives. Without them, the “game of life” wouldn’t be possible at all. What are these veils of ignorance, causing our total immersion into this very real „illusion”? Basically, they are our misperceptions or unawareness of various layers of Reality. They are directly connected to our identifications, beliefs and other elements of personality, described in the Reintegration System. We think we are something else than we truly are. In fact, whatever we think we are, we are wrong. It can only be that we just are, as opposed to the notion that we are something or someone. Every single identification contributes a little bit to our immersion in this world of illusion. Our various attachments make very dense veils that cut us away from a wide-ranging inner knowledge, including information on past and future, as well as on the other timelines as well. We can call them the veils of ignorance.
So, if we want to remove those veils, we must release our desires and fears, habits, emotions, thoughts, and many other parts of our personality. The best way to do that is to reintegrate them in a non-aggressive, benevolent way.
Luckily, these veils are usually being released spontaneously, through the reintegration of various elements of personality, layer by layer. And if they are not released yet, we also treat them with non-invasive meditative or psychological techniques, like all the other elements of personality. If we are uncertain which element to deal with, we just have to look around us - the outer world is a projection of our inner universe. The holographic principle [4] will impeccably lead us along this path.
As our work continues, our consciousness will be expanding, while unconscious limitations are being dropped away progressively. The reintegration work will be resembling the art more and more, as the mystery of life unfolds in most surprising and beautiful ways.
The main result of such an extensive inner work can be one’s spiritual growth or enlightenment, while time travel and other extraordinary abilities can only be side-effects. [1] Rest mass is an inherent property of elementary particles. It is the mass of a particle when at rest (its velocity equals zero). [2] In mathematics, an imaginary number is a number that when squared gives a negative result. (If you square any Real Number you always get a positive, or zero, result. The "unit" imaginary numbers (the same as "1" for Real Numbers) is √(-1) (the square root of minus one), and its symbol is i, or j. Source: www.mathsisfun.com/definitions/imaginary-numbers.html [3] The best example of this behavior is the well-known “Double-slit experiment.” For more information, see article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment [4] Basically, the holographic principle says that each part of an entity contains complete information on the whole entity. Accordingly, within every human being, as a part of the Universe, there is complete information about the Universe. Similarly, the same correlation is between one's inner and outer reality. More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle |
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