Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
With only a few exceptions, anyone who really strives for spiritual growth and self-improvement, in general, must invest a lot of serious and persistent efforts into that work. Typically, mindfulness, meditation, and inner reintegration (or psychological work of various kinds) are required.
All of this should be supported by having a higher purpose of this work and fueled by strong determination and desire for spiritual liberation. Without this, your meditation and mindfulness practice could easily be stalled or even completely ruined. Also, we know that the subconscious mind plays an immensely important role in our lives and spiritual growth. We must somehow explore its depths and harness its power. But how? Forgetting We could say that the subconscious mind is part of our being which consists of everything we have forgotten or have not been aware of. We can forget something intentionally, when we willingly put some experience behind us, forcing ourselves not to think of it. Subconscious mind is part of our being which consists of everything we have forgotten or have not been aware of.
We may also forget unintentionally when we fall asleep, faint, dive into a dreamlike state, or discontinue our conscious experience in any other way, which sometimes leads to forgetting.
Nevertheless, all forgotten memories are still there, within you, although they are seemingly inaccessible to your conscious mind. Subconscious Structures According to the Reintegration System’s view, these subconscious structures that you need to integrate might be:
Typically, these structures influence your everyday life from the subconscious level. They often lie deeply hidden in your subconscious mind and it might be incredibly difficult to recognize and reveal them. Dealing with the Subconscious Mind What to do with all these subconscious structures? There are two options:
The first option is the reintegration work. Of course, this implies not only the application of the Reintegration System’s methodology. It may also refer to any other psychological/spiritual work. As we have already covered the first option in many of the previous articles, here we will focus more on the other one – changing the subconscious structures. Reprogramming the Mind Surely, one of the most important questions of personal development is how to access and influence the subconscious mind in a safe and effective way. Some practitioners call this work reprogramming the mind. It is gentle and thorough transformation of some aspects of personality mentioned above. For example, beliefs, habits, traits, rules and even the general aspects can be transformed by this reprogramming work. In the Reintegration System, there are some techniques for changing these subconscious structures. One of the very effective methods is, for example, the Replacing Beliefs technique. Essentially, this method will help you make a list of your negative core beliefs and to replace them with the opposite ones, consecutively. Also, this work can be done through repetition. There are many different approaches to it, such as:
1) Repetition of actions (habitual behavior) Through repetition of actions, we may form a new habit. We could simply repeat the wanted behavior, again and again, and sooner or later it will become rooted in your being. But for carrying out this, we must be really, really persistent and patient. However, there is another, scientifically proven way of making desired habits or changing unwanted habits into beneficial ones. We have to add a trigger and reward to the wanted routine. In his great book “The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change,” Charles Duhigg reveals the details about the scientific research that has led to a very important discovery: the so-called Habit loop (see figure below).
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July 2024