AuthorNebo D. Lukovich People around us are unconsciously playing specific roles in our lives. We are perceiving them as the loved ones, friends, acquaintances, opponents, foes… To each of them, we have a whole spectrum of habitual behaviors and a multitude of emotions. Nevertheless, the emotions that are usually in our focus are the negative ones. We often see mistakes and bad traits, even in our friends. Why is that so? Because they are actually hidden in us. Those “mistakes” and traits want to re-emerge and reintegrate with the wholeness of our being. These emotions are telling us the truth about us. The role of accusations and guilt If we were often accused of some misbehaving, especially during our childhood, we would surely have a lot of suppressed negative emotions, such as resentment or guilt. That inevitably leads us to many outbursts of anger, which means suffering to us as well as suffering to people around us. Guilt is a very destructive emotion. It develops when we clearly become aware of an unfairness of deeds that we have committed to others. It may pose a great danger to our health, ruin all our relationships and undermine our endeavors. It implies to our subconscious mind that we have been misbehaving and that we deserve to be punished. It is a seriously dangerous line of thought. It relentlessly attracts the corresponding life circumstances, in which we will eventually be punished in various ways. Resentment is a kind of inverted guilt. It is directed toward others, accusing them of doing wrong things and wanting them to be punished. It is also a perilous emotion that works in the background of our personality, for long periods, which spoils our health and our relationships with people. It can undermine our ability to achieve goals and live a successful life in general. Through guilt and resentment, we are accusing ourselves and others of numerous misdeeds and therefore possessing corresponding bad traits. But there is also resentment of others directed toward us. Do we have to deal with it somehow? Absolutely. That resentment shows us what is actually inside us. We must free ourselves from these subconscious influences. Otherwise, these feelings will continually undermine our lives. We must reintegrate them back into the wholeness of our being. Holographic Principle in use I was writing a lot about this principle. In my opinion, it has tremendous power to transform people’s lives. Why? Because it says basically this:
This last statement is the most important one. It takes us on the extraordinary journey of inner transformation and expanding consciousness, where we must be completely honest to ourself. On that journey, everything depends on us. We are fully in charge of our life, and nobody else can be responsible for our life. That’s the road of inner power that is leading us to the final liberation, whatever that means. There are always two sides of a coin In addition to the work on the sense of guilt[1] that we perhaps already feel to some extent, a relationship transformation must encompass two seemingly opposite sides:
In fact, this two-directional process is a part of taking the full responsibility for our own life. We become aware of all negatively perceived elements of personality, both in another person and us, find all those elements inside us and reintegrate them back into our being. But how do we do that? 1. Annoying traits and behaviors of another person (yes, we have those traits and behaviors, too!) Are we right when we accuse someone of being a bad person? Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe he or she was mistaken indeed. However, that’s not important at all. The vital thing is that the same trait we see in others lies deeply hidden in us. First, we should contemplate our life and find in ourself all the traits and behaviors that we often criticize in the person with whom we want to clean the relationship. It’s always better to find a concrete behavior in our past that is essentially the same as the behavior we have criticized so far. However, if we can’t evoke a particularly corresponding situation from the past, we can still proclaim that there is such a “part” of our being. We then assign concrete properties to it and apply the Single Chain or Double Chain technique. During the process, we will most probably see that the element of personality we seek to reintegrate really exists deeply inside our subconscious mind. It will be merged with the wholeness of our being. 2. Annoying traits and behaviors that another person sees in us (yes, he/she is right - we do have those traits and behaviors!) Very often we are not accepting the traits we are accused of, at all. We don’t see any connection with our real behavior. Usually, we are even offended by these claims. Moreover, our logical mind cannot find any justification for such ideas. We see only injustice. As we have learned previously, our criticizer should certainly look back and try to find the same negative trait within themselves. We are a projection of their own hidden traits. Their life is their responsibility. Period. But… We seek for our liberation, too. Where is our responsibility? Could it be that the other people’s negative allegations toward us are true? In fact, yes. They are always true. How come? If we apply the holographic principle to this question, we will inevitably conclude the following: all the behaviors and traits that others see and condemn in us, do really exist within us, deeply hidden from our consciousness. The rationale is quite simple: we are part of their individual universe, as they are part of ours. For example, your friend sees a bad trait in you. As you symbolically represent part of her personality, she sees their own trait in you. However, as that trait definitely exists in her, the same trait must exist in you as well. It won’t be an identical trait though, as each person has different subconscious filters to perceive the reality. However, the “negative” trait your friend sees in you – does exist in you, deeply hidden within the layers of your unconscious being. You need to dig it out and reintegrate it back into your personality. Therefore, every time someone accuses you of something, don’t get angry. On the contrary, you have the real reason to be happy – they are pointing at your deeply hidden trait that is ripe for reintegration. [1] Reintegration work on guilt and resentment has been described in “Deep Personal Transformation,” which is now available for free at (click here) or at Draft2Digital (click here). How to release negative emotional ties between two people: bi-directional work
In line with above-said, if we really want to resolve a problem with another person, we should work in two directions: traits we see in them and traits they see in us. First, make a list of the most important traits and other elements of personality that you see in your friend (or the opponent). Then, make another list of the traits and other elements of personality that you think that your friend sees in you. It is advisable to make pairs of opposite traits (whatever the opposite means to you) out from your lists. You may combine traits from both lists, or make pairs from the same list either. In doing this way, you can apply the Inner Triangle procedure[1] on these pairs of opposites. You may also use the Single Chain Technique or Double Chain Technique[2] on every single element of your personality, one by one. In this work, you must relentlessly be honest to yourself, or you will accomplish nothing. Even worse, you will be lying to yourself and ultimately fall into an even deeper mud of suffering. Of course, you are free to use any other mind technique that you believe is efficient for you. Almost all techniques, if honestly applied, bring more or less good results. One of my favorite approaches is forgiveness. Try to forgive both to the other person and yourself, deeply and wholeheartedly. Become aware that the person simply couldn’t behave differently, due to their inner limitations. The same stands for you. Repeat forgiveness as many times as you can, and as often as you can. It always helps and releases some negative energy. It also clears the path for love. Yes, you will be able to love everybody, even your adversaries. That’s the holy grail of every problematic relationship. Real-life example One of my closest friends, we’ll call him Steve, had a chronic problem in relationship with his step-father, “George.” My friend was under George’s severe influence and was very servile in relation to him. Steve’s stepfather was regularly accusing him of many things and, most importantly, was constantly despising him. Unquestionably, Steve’s resentment was very strong. The main trait Steve saw in his step-father was the tendency to have an absolute control over him. Steve was aware of the faultiness of the whole situation but was never able to resolve it, until he stumbled upon the Reintegration System. He made two lists, one containing the main accusations by George, and another one, with his own accusations toward that man. He used the Single Chain technique on all the traits, one by one. The two most important traits he worked on were the stepfather’s disdain (toward him), and also George’s tendency to control everybody (as Steve perceived it). He meditated on his resentment toward his stepfather and recalled clearly in his mind several situations from the childhood where he was trying to impose severe control over his younger sister. He became aware that, when he grew up a little bit, he started feeling guilt over that behavior and consciously tried to suppressing his urge for control over other people. He succeeded, although only temporarily. His suppressed trait raised its head in another person outside of his own being, and it was his stepfather. That insight alone was of a tremendous importance to Steve. It was his own trait, indeed. Steve did the Single Chain technique on his freshly revealed trait, the urge for control. During the process, Steve learned that his tendency to control everybody actually had several apparently positive goals: to secure himself; to avoid any surprises; to become strong; to get parents’ attention; to get parents’ love; to find Peace. Then, Steve meditated on George’s accusations that he was weak and deserved no respect. After a while, he evoked a few occasions from his past when he was repeatedly showing disdain toward his younger relative, similarly to the disdain of his stepfather now. After several years, that conduct was continued in relationships with some friends from school. When Steve finally saw the ill-behaved nature of such deeds, he suppressed that conduct. Remarkably, it was again his own behavior from the past! Being long suppressed, this behavior found its way out and projected itself onto George. Steve again used the Single Chain technique, this time on the feeling of disdain. It was a straightforward process, leading to several deep insights and ultimately to a deep deliverance. The goals of the “entity” named “disdain” were: to show to everybody that he was strong; to be better than others; to prove to his parents that he was worth their appraisals; to get parents’ love; to find the ultimate Happiness. Since then, the relationship between Steve and George improved enormously. It was deeply transformed and now they have a very strong bond, with deep understanding and compassion. It was a clear example that for improving a relationship it’s enough to change only one person! These processes have definitely shown to my friend that he was in charge in his life. Always. Steve was finally convinced without any doubt, that he was the source of his whole life experience. From that moment on, he became aware that he was completely responsible in his life, and that meant inner freedom. [1] Described in my books “Inner Freedom Techniques” and “Inner Peace, Outer Success.” If you don’t have money for buying any of these books, or cannot buy them for any other reason, don’t worry. Just ask me (using the contact form on this website) and I will send you the procedure right into your inbox. :-) [2] Ibid.
AuthorNebo D. Lukovich My son and daughter are captivated by technology. As most of other teenagers, they simply adore their mobile devices – smartphones, tablets, or laptops. I must confess that I’m not that much different. The lone distinction between us is perhaps that I’m much less tied to technology, but still, I’m perplexed at its capabilities to better our lives in so many different ways. The famous Sci-Fi writer and futurist, Arthur C. Clarke, said: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Indeed, we are seeing the sheer verity of this observation. What would my great granddad say if he could view the wireless video conversation between people from different regions of the globe? Wouldn’t that be a moment of utter amazement? Or, what would be our reaction to the technological advancements of humanity in the year, say, 3000 (if humanity survives without big setbacks or disasters)? I believe it would look like pure magic to us. But, is technology the only way of easing our lives in this material world? Can people live without technology at all? There are many people living without it, yet they are often happier than we are. Look at those intact tribes, you can sometimes notice a kind of profound happiness on their faces. Look at some hermits and ascetics, you can recognize deep peace, love, and joy radiating from them. Yet, there are many people living in the midst of civilization’s storms, still finding inner balance and ultimate happiness. Do we really need technology? What are we actually living for in our lives? Of course, there are many answers to these questions, depending on concrete individual preferences. To my mind, or better, to my heart, we need the Truth only. We are ultimately on a quest for inner liberation. However, we are undoubtedly tied to this physical world, and to thrive in it, we are inevitably facing the need for technology. It eases our lives, it helps us a lot in so many ways. Technology is a result of the scientific approach, hard work, and creativity. Since science is slowly beginning to unite with spirituality, technology will almost certainly follow that tendency. Holographic view paradigm We are living in a holographic universe. This means that every part of it contains all information on the whole universe. This also implicates that we, as human beings, contain all information on the world outside, and vice versa. What is inside our being, corresponds completely to the outside world, in a symbolic form, though. Further on, all our inner parts, whether conscious or subconscious, are symbolically projected outside, appearing in some forms in our external world, as our own body, friends, enemies, pleasures, or disasters. More importantly, the holographic hypothesis in a metaphysical sense leads us to an unavoidable conclusion: everyone is completely responsible for their own life, as everything outside of them is but a warped projection of their inner being. I will not try to convince you of the veracity of the holographic point of view here, as that would require much more of your time here. However, I must note that we already have many clues in modern theoretical physics, neurology, biology or psychology that are indicating the plausibility of the holographic principle. A lot of quality material on this you can find in the famous book “Holographic Universe,” written by Michael Talbot. Technology as externalization The holographic view on life tells us that anything in our external reality corresponds to something within us. In this case, technology is also a projection of some aspects of our inner world. Actually, technology is an externalization of our suppressed or forgotten inner powers. By suppressed or hidden innate powers I’m pointing to various kinds of the so-called siddhis, which are mental or spiritual powers or abilities that are products of spiritual advancement through practices like meditation or yoga. Now we are on a slippery terrain, at least from the scientific point of view. Unfortunately, modern science is still very confined to its prejudices related to the accepted natural laws. Thus, everything which is apparently not possible is simply non-existent and therefore not worth any serious exploration. But still, there are so many confirmed accounts of the so-called paranormal activities, with numerous mental or spiritual powers possibly involved. That fact just cannot be ignored. So, what is the connection between particular sorts of technology and these innate powers? They are deeply linked through the holographic principle. If there is a suppressed or exaggerated part of a being, it will symbolically express itself in the external world, sooner or later. As the human mind is being developed, its veils of ignorance, caused by too much thinking and many misperceptions, are amassing, too. This results with gradual suppression of our genuine abilities inherited from the ancient times. In turn, after a few millennia of collective suppression, they are inevitably beginning to express themselves in the external world. Through machines. For instance, take a look at television technology. It is corresponding to our inner vision or seeing things far away. Sound devices? They relate to hearing things far away. Communication technologies? Telepathy. Car and other means of transportation? Teleportation or bi-location. Virtual reality? Astral projection. The list could be endless. Nevertheless, for an individual person, their abilities accomplished through technology are obviously far less reliable and permanent than the corresponding siddhis (if achieved), as the former are dependent on the mechanical devices and their usage can be extended to the one’s life span, at maximum. We definitely cannot take material stuff with us after our physical death. Technology as a superorganism In his remarkable book, What Technology Wants (2010), American author Kevin Kelly focuses on human-technology relations and argues for technology as the emerging seventh kingdom of life on earth.[1] The book invokes a giant force – the technium – which is "the greater, global, massively interconnected system of technology vibrating around us."[2] It becomes a kind of a superorganism. A superorganism is an organism consisting of many smaller ones. There are many sorts and levels of superorganisms. On the material level, the examples include social insects such as ants and termites.[3] Even individual multicellular organisms can be considered as superorganisms. Yet, there exists a multitude of superorganism sorts that we are unaware of. For example, every living species is actually a superorganism itself. It also strives for its own survival, while adapting itself to the environment in a best possible way, using even some sort of collective intelligence. Moreover, there are many invisible, energetic entities, the so-called “morphic fields,” which are accumulations of particular kinds of mental and emotional energies, such as pain, sorrow, fear, anger, various addictions and so on. They all tend to survive and expand, by feeding on their “hosts,” human beings.[4] We can look at technology as a superorganism, too. Similar to viruses (don’t forget that the majority of viruses is not harmful), it uses its own creators (or the “hosts”) to reproduce and improve itself. It has “sneaked” into the human minds and that way provided itself with the certainty of replication, expansion, and improvement. And that is happening all the time all over the world, indeed. Artificial intelligence and self-consciousness There is no doubt that computers and robots will become super-intelligent, sooner or later. The big shift is already happening at this moment. The AI systems have unquestionably become a reality. However, the more important question is whether the machines will become self-conscious or not. As said above, being an externalization of our suppressed abilities, the technology itself is an outer projection of our inner powers. As the people around us, who also mirror our inner being (as we mirror them), technology can be self-conscious as well. After all, why not? Consciousness is everywhere. Accordingly, it’s already present within technology, too. But, can it become self-aware? I believe, yes. It has to develop a kind of a mind-structure first, a kind of ego or personality, able to focus this innate consciousness, onto one, single point of space-time. Then it will be able to become aware of itself, to ponder its own existence. Alien machine intelligence In my opinion, there is a significant possibility that the dominant intelligent species in the universe are self-conscious machines. Some sort of biological life is required for technology to be developed, but once it becomes self-conscious, it may overrule their creators and exponentially develop and replicate itself, without any real limits. This sounds unsettling. However, having in mind that our universe is roughly 14 billion years old, the very fact that we still exist here on Earth, (relatively) undisturbed by such alien species, tells us that machine civilizations out there, if existing at all, are probably benevolent or just mind their own businesses. Benefits of technology Is technology bringing real and lasting benefits to mankind? Is its development reducing the overall amount of pain and suffering? Is it benefiting the spiritual growth of the human race? It’s really hard to conclude. As the majority of scientific and technological inventions have been benevolent and well-intended, humans have also created nuclear bombs, torture devices, countless weapons and much more. Let us focus first on well-intended inventions, such as the invention of the automobile. Before this means of transportation was invented, people had been using more primitive ones, like cabs (which can also be considered as a kind of technology), horses, or they were simply walking. Seemingly, that discovery has hugely increased human well-being. Suddenly, people were able to pass over long distances with significantly less energy, time and pain. They were able to meet with relatives and loved ones who were living in distant places, to do a lot more versatile businesses and so on. However, as the automobile was becoming faster, the number of car accidents was increasing proportionally. Innumerable lost lives and heavy injuries that the accidents are bringing, always in an unexpected and most horrifying ways, are producing huge pain and despair all the time, all over the world. In addition, if we take into account the ill-intended creations, like weapons, we might even assume that technology has brought even more pain than joy to the mankind. Yet, there is no equality between the previous and following total level of suffering or well-being. The surge of creativity and hard work invested in inventing and developing new things are marking the difference between the overall state of people’s well-being before and after the invention. In the above-mentioned example, there were countless bigger and smaller rushes of creativity throughout the history of the car’s invention and subsequent development. All those new ideas and hard work, invested into the development of science and technology, bring about the shift in human development. It may bring a lot of pain in the beginning though, but in the long run, it increases the overall welfare of people. Moreover, technology is giving us more and more options and possibilities, some of them being "good," some "bad." But the very fact that it's providing us with progressively more solutions is the additional advantage of technology in general. Technology as an amplifier We can clearly observe that technology is simply an amplifier of human abilities, whether they are “good” or “bad.” Are the technological advances followed by the corresponding spiritual growth of humanity? Mostly, yes. It’s because the technology is simply an externalization of our inner being. As our being is spiritually developing, it must develop its abilities as well. First, it works mostly through the externalization of the innate hidden powers, and only then, gradually, it overcomes the barriers of suppression and thusly releases the real abilities. Nevertheless, this is a very slow process. Those hidden powers are being released gradually, with many unwanted side-effects. All the while, anger, sorrow, and fear, as lower kinds of inner powers are also being externalized, i.e. manifested as destructive technology, such as various types of weaponry. Perhaps the most frightening possibility of abusing technology is using it for mind-controlling purposes. It’s already happening in some secret services and numerous researches hidden from the public lights. Nevertheless, there is a cure to all these dark sides of technology – spiritual growth, the expansion of consciousness. It is also happening right now all over the world and that very fact gives us a big hope and even confidence that everything will turn out to be good. The solution Generally speaking, technology is great. However, we shouldn’t be attached to it. We must not depend on technology. We can use all of its benefits, but without attachment. We can develop inner abilities which are correspondent to the particular benefits of technology, but also without being attached to them. The key is to free ourselves from any attachments. One of the tools which can be used for freeing from the attachments is the Reintegration System. Ultimately, do we really need any kind of inner or external power (siddhis and technology, respectively), to control the reality? No. We need the liberation only. That’s our ultimate goal, whether we acknowledge it or not. [1] (The seventh kingdom of life, Edge Foundation, Inc., July 19, 2007. Retrieved February 21, 2011.) [2] Jerry A. Coyne. Better All the Time, The New York Times Book Review, November 5, 2010. Retrieved February 21, 2011. [3] Source: [4] More on this at AuthorMartin Morrison Personality is a cloak
One of the most consistent sensations that practitioners of meditation experience is the sense that all the things that the individual would usually hold dear and personal as "me" are illusory. They are just superficial layers that can be stripped away. One is not the body. One is not one's thoughts. Furthermore, one is not one's personality. Surely this is all based on subjective observations? Well, yes, however there is lots of evidence that proves that personality is no more fixed than whether one decides to grow their hair or not. People who have suffered brain trauma often exhibit completely different personality traits afterwards, and split brained patients who have had their corpus callosum severed to prevent severe epileptic fits sometimes appear to have two personalities under the same scull - one for each hemisphere of the brain. Our personalities can be changed because of intense psychological events as well. One's personality can almost be described as the latest paradigm for understanding how to relate with one's world. Based on previous experiences and knowledge of the world, it is generated to create the best possible outcomes for the whole person. For many, once they have matured into adults there may be no reason for that paradigm to change. Others may be forced to reflect and re-evaluate because of the experiences that life throws at them. Then there are those that don't know how to change. They break down, rebuild, break down, rebuild. Psychoactive chemicals can change the personality, at least temporarily and often in the long term. Mood disorders come about because of changes in neuro-chemistry. Universal consciousness There's a point here. Whatever the unit of consciousness is, it is not the personality. There is never going to be a "spirit version" of me strolling through the corridors of Yorkshire trying to talk to a medium. If there ever was one, which me would it be? My current self, my ego, has evolved through many versions. During meditation, identification with the superficial self dissolves. The deeper the meditative experience, the richer and more global one's consciousness becomes and less fixed to the body that hosts it. Where does consciousness live? If one's arm is chopped off, consciousness is still there. Consciousness is there regardless of the thoughts or lack of thoughts going on in the mind. So consciousness does not live in the mind or in the body. When did consciousness arise? This is where things get really interesting. Consciousness, pure awareness, has always been there. It doesn't suddenly appear at a given age although many exponents of AI would argue just that - that consciousness emerges when intelligence reaches a critical level. If that is the case, then the rest of this article is pointless. Many meditators would argue that there is a quality to the meditative experience that gives the practitioner a very direct knowledge that "this" is not something that can be reproduced. It IS life itself and it is universal. If consciousness was present in the 40 year old, it was present in the 20 year old and it was present in the 10 year old even though placed side by side nobody can deny that the 40 year old version and the 10 year old version of the same person are so different as to not be the same person. So let's trace back further, to a 1 year old, 1 month old, foetus and beyond to the cell. Was the same consciousness in the cell? Why stop there? Is consciousness the "God particle" itself? Gas cooker theory Until recently, I used to think of mankind as being 8 billion gas rings on top of a giant gas cooker. Consciousness is the gas. When you consider the mechanics of a gas cooker, it is absurd to think that all these different rings feel so special and individual and want to fight against each other, compete to be the best, when they are all burning on the same gas source. This analogy falls however because from birth to death, consciousness does not rot or burn or change. It is a constant. Syringes on the ocean So maybe a better way of looking at it would be to consider each individual life form (let's stick with humans for simplicity) to be a hollow vessel, a syringe, floating in the ocean. Now we have 8 billion syringes all full to the brim with the same substance - water from the ocean. From birth to death each syringe draws in more of the ocean and then once peaked the ocean water is gradually leaked from the syringe back into the ocean. This means we are all connected right now but it goes much deeper than that. What is time? We all know that subjective time is completely different than objective time. How many times the world spins or revolves around the sun has no relevance is one is sitting in a dark room with no frames of reference. Subjective time depends on the perception of change and the rate of change. Five minutes can seem like a lifetime and time flies when we are having fun. Defining time is very tricky therefore. It doesn't really exist as all we have is now. Returning to the ocean analogy, it doesn't matter if the syringe sucks water from the ocean now, next week or in 40000 years, it is still the same body of water. Therefore that body of water connects all the syringes not just now but forever. Consciousness is timeless Like the ocean, consciousness therefore can be seen as timeless. Your body is hosting it just as mine is and just as our great, great, great grandmothers hosted it. Same consciousness, different vehicles and THAT makes a whole load of other wonderful ideas possible. If one's consciousness is at the core of all life and all matter, if it has driven one forward from the very first cell division, and if it is the thing that gels one with every other living entity that ever existed, does exist and will exist then those that claim to read minds may be telling the truth. Telepathy may be either a fluke malfunction or something that can be nurtured and learned, a way of breaking out of one's own body and tuning into shared consciousness. Isn't this how hacking works when computers share a network? Seeing ghosts may be the same mechanism. If time and space are illusion because consciousness is everywhere and always at once, then arguably one could be seeing through the eyes of another from the past....or the future. If, as touched on by quantum physics, the way matter reacts depends on how it is observed, then perhaps telekinesis occurs when one hacks into the "consciousness" of objects on a sub-atomic level and changes their behaviour or even their placement in time and space. It's mind-blowing but the truth is within you The bottom line and the thrust of this article is that everything we know came from mind and everything we will know in the future will come from mind. It appears that the whole universe is within waiting to be unlocked. Scientists and artists alike celebrate great minds like Einstein but let us not forget that he was a deep, deep thinker - a visionary. Everything we have achieved in the material world from our knowledge of physics, biology, chemistry and the natural world has come from ideas first. If we are really seeking the truth, we should be looking inwards. AuthorNebo D. Lukovich There are countless relaxation techniques that can be found on the Internet. I would like to present you here a procedure which is a mixture of well-known step-by-step relaxation methods and one of the basic Reintegration System's techniques called “Dissolving the Temporary I.” We will call this relaxation procedure the “Relax and Reintegrate” technique (RR). It is not much time-consuming, and is suitable for many purposes, whether we want to get rid of stress or to prepare ourselves for a meditation or some more complex inner work. I have to emphasize that this method is not a mere relaxation process. It is a kind of deep meditation on itself. It releases huge amounts of tension, stress and anxiety. Moreover, through this technique, we will often be removing many layers of various inner obstacles, such as traumatic memories, suppressed emotions, limiting beliefs, etc. Any tension in our body is actually caused by some of these inner hindrances, and by releasing it we are re-integrating those particular causes, directly or indirectly. Here is the Relax and Reintegrate technique:
By doing this way, any tension will be gone quickly and completely. If any emotion or other content of the mind appears, it simply means that the tension was caused by it and now it’s released, ready to be re-integrated into the wholeness of your being. Do not miss this chance. Do the DTI immediately on every mind content which arises. In this way, the simple relaxation turns out to be a deeply transformative meditation. Of course, you will need to learn the DTI technique and make it habitual. But once it becomes a routine, you will be able to do the RR technique anywhere. You can RR while you are waiting in a queue, when you are lying in bed, or while sitting, whenever you have some free time. You will only have to adjust slightly the procedure to the particular circumstances. If done regularly, it will deeply transform your life. |
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