Image by Виктория Аникина from Pixabay
When you find yourself in the middle of hardship, overwhelmed with fear, anger, sorrow, or any other painful emotion, there is always a way out. So, I would like to recommend that you pass through several well-defined steps which will bring you great relief.
Here are ten tips on getting through tough times in life: 1. Say to yourself: There is a feeling of ______in me. Recognize a predominant feeling in you that is related to the hardship you are experiencing. Focus on this feeling. Name it with as few words as possible. For example: There is a feeling of fear in me. 2. Accept this feeling completely. At this stage, try to apply the Total Acceptance technique on this feeling. So, if you are feeling fear, you will need to fully accept it. Embrace it, without any resistance. 3. Feel in which part of your body this feeling is expressed and in which way (pain, tension, discomfort…). While sensing the unpleasant feeling, determine its location within your body. In most cases, emotions are expressed in the stomach. In our example, perhaps you are sensing the fear in your upper stomach; this part of your body is full of tension and discomfort. 4. Accept totally this unpleasant sensation in your body. Now, this is one of the most important steps. Again, use the Total Acceptance technique. You have to completely accept the unpleasant sensation itself. To do that, you must repeat the Total Acceptance procedure several times, until the uncomfortable physical sensation is gone. So, in the current example, you are accepting over and over again the tension and discomfort in your upper stomach. The chances are that the sensation will fade away eventually. 5. Everything has its own good purpose. Life is a great show. Everything is transient. Happiness always comes back. These statements will soothe you even more and may deliver you profound relief. You just have to repeat to yourself these affirmations several times, with the conviction that they are true.
At the very beginning, let me point out that this article mainly deals with ideas that are speculative in their nature, on the edge of the scientific domain. Nevertheless, these concepts are still in line with numerous scientific research which, in my opinion, are not only thought-provoking but can be of great benefit to the psychological and spiritual development of mankind.
I must say that in the case of mental and health problems, a professional medical engagement of an authorized specialist/doctor is necessary, while all of the following techniques and procedures can only be added to the medical treatment. In many cases, however, these techniques will serve as a protective measure and could prevent your need for visiting the doctor. Invisible Realities Modern physics is getting increasingly closer to the conclusion that parallel universes are real. A few decades ago, this idea existed only in the domain of science fiction and pure speculation. Meanwhile, emerging unexpectedly as an outcome of several serious theoretical approaches, it has become very close to being widely accepted among physicists. For example, string theory and theory of inflation predict the existence of other universes. Also, there is an increasing number of indirect experimental indicators that the parallel universes do exist. On the other hand, there is clear scientific evidence that this material universe is not only of gargantuan size, but that visible matter and known forms of energy are only a small part of the total matter and energy present in the cosmos. Namely, in the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology, the total mass-energy of the universe contains 5% ordinary matter and energy, 27% so-called dark matter and 68% of a mysterious form of energy known as dark energy. In other words, only about 5% of the matter in the cosmos is visible and detectable, while the remaining 95% falls within these invisible forms of matter and energy. Here, the word “dark” refers to being virtually invisible and unknown to us. No one still has an answer as to what dark matter and dark energy are, but it is clear that they exist and that they permeate this reality in an invisible and subtle way. Furthermore, an increasingly important question in science is human consciousness, which remains a complete mystery. Some research even says that consciousness survives the death of physical body and “goes somewhere.” If this is so, is it possible that our consciousness after physical death transitions to one of the parallel universes that the string theory is talking about? Or, maybe, dark matter and dark energy answer the question of the spiritual world’s existence, which may be made up of subtle and invisible particles and fields of these unknown types of matter and energy? In any case, even the most stubborn skeptics cannot refuse these possibilities. Personally, even though I am by nature a skeptic, I have come to the definitive conclusion that consciousness survives the death of the physical body. Moreover, I believe that consciousness is immortal and ubiquitous and that the “world beyond” does exist. Invisible Beings So, if we truly believe that consciousness is immortal and omnipresent, that there are other dimensions, parallel universes, and other levels of reality, we must admit that there is a logical possibility that there also exist innumerable conscious beings of various kinds which are present in these worlds. Also, this material universe is probably inhabited by many types of conscious entities – not only humans and other beings from this planet, but species on other planets, in other solar systems, and different cosmic environments, too. Moreover, there must exist countless beings invisible to us that live in the physical world as well as at all other levels of existence above this one in which we operate. Of course, there are entire groups and hierarchies of these invisible beings. Quite logically, for some types of entities we could say that they are “neutral” from our perspective, some groups are “good,” others – “bad,” while there are beings so strange that we cannot classify them into any group or even comprehend by our minds. Of course, the idea of invisible entities that are present here, alongside us or even within us, is very disturbing. And indeed, this is real, but only partially. Yes, there are beings that we cannot see, hear, nor do we feel their presence in any way. Yet many of them are able to see us, and even have impacts on our lives to some extent. Some of these “Invisibles” are “neutral,” some are “bad” or unpleasant, but we should know that there are many “positive” beings that help us and inspire us on our life course. We will call them here the Beings of Light. Although all this can be disturbing to someone who faces such ideas for the first time, we need to know that, still, all is up to us. Ultimately, we are in charge. Every person is fundamentally responsible for their own life because all these “positive” or “negative” influences are only the result of our deepest inner decisions, thoughts, habits, or emotional turmoil. Uninvited Guests Do you sometimes wonder why people have inexplicable outbursts of rage, uncontrolled fear, or eruptions of other negative emotions, which sometimes lead to horrifying situations and crime? Are the childhood traumas and the existence of various negative psychological aspects within a personality the only explanation for such phenomena? In my opinion, they are not. There are many indications of various conscious entities that are attached to us, directly or indirectly affecting our behavior and state of consciousness. A lot of literature describes research in this field. For example, in his excellent book “Healing Lost Souls,” William J. Baldwin depicts many cases of solving psychic problems and dysfunctional relationships by applying specific techniques for the release of so-called “attached entities.” There is a vast range of beings and energies that can be “nested” in our aura or within our being, such as souls or energy remnants of deceased people, parts of personalities of living persons, or even the “classical” Beings of Darkness, i.e. demons. What is most interesting, sometimes the attached beings are not originating from this planet at all – they are extraterrestrial beings. But about all this in more detail later. Symptoms of Attachments It is not so easy to recognize that you have an attached entity. However, you can be pretty certain that this phenomenon has occurred if you identify the following symptoms:
However, for all this, you should be cautious and not to make premature conclusions. You should certainly work on yourself and try using some of the Reintegration Techniques or other proven methods. Souls of the Dead One type of the attached entities are the souls of the dead people who, for assorted reasons, remain tied with the physical world. The term “soul” here denotes the nucleus of an individual which is practically immortal, had existed before and will exist after the individual’s incarnation. In this sense, the nucleus has normally retained almost the whole personality of the deceased person, so the term “soul of the dead” in this text actually means “the nucleus plus its personality.” These souls stay at the physical level typically due to strong attachment to a person or place, due to complete disorientation and lack of awareness that it is no longer among the living, or for various other reasons. Nevertheless, all these souls eventually find the way to the higher levels of reality, most often with the help and guidance of the Beings of Light. Although the number of souls of deceased people who remain at the physical plane is relatively small compared to those who find their way to other levels of reality, it still seems that there are plenty of them. For example, many such souls float around sites of mass executions, natural disasters, and other places of unexpected deaths, because they are still in total confusion, unaware that they even died. These souls sometimes tend to be near people to whom they used to be very emotionally tied in life. In some cases, such a soul “joins” the person to whom it was bound, simply by “entering” into her energy field or joining her aura. This process is often unconscious because these souls are mostly in a dull, semi-conscious state. However, this does not prevent them from exerting influence on the behavior of the “victim,” from the very moment of attaching. Unfortunately, this influence is usually harmful, because the hooked beings through this person try to fulfill some of their selfish desires and goals, despite the free will of the “host.”
While it is clear that we need to get rid of these entities, which can be achieved through a process of "taking to the Light," I must emphasize that a genuine and lasting relief from such impacts is achieved only when a person heals and reintegrates their own parts of the personality that attract corresponding entities. Thus, again: Ultimately, each of us is completely responsible for their own life, which is excellent news.
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March 2023