At the very beginning, let me point out that this article mainly deals with ideas that are speculative in their nature, on the edge of the scientific domain. Nevertheless, these concepts are still in line with numerous scientific research which, in my opinion, are not only thought-provoking but can be of great benefit to the psychological and spiritual development of mankind.
I must say that in the case of mental and health problems, a professional medical engagement of an authorized specialist/doctor is necessary, while all of the following techniques and procedures can only be added to the medical treatment. In many cases, however, these techniques will serve as a protective measure and could prevent your need for visiting the doctor. Invisible Realities Modern physics is getting increasingly closer to the conclusion that parallel universes are real. A few decades ago, this idea existed only in the domain of science fiction and pure speculation. Meanwhile, emerging unexpectedly as an outcome of several serious theoretical approaches, it has become very close to being widely accepted among physicists. For example, string theory and theory of inflation predict the existence of other universes. Also, there is an increasing number of indirect experimental indicators that the parallel universes do exist. On the other hand, there is clear scientific evidence that this material universe is not only of gargantuan size, but that visible matter and known forms of energy are only a small part of the total matter and energy present in the cosmos. Namely, in the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology, the total mass-energy of the universe contains 5% ordinary matter and energy, 27% so-called dark matter and 68% of a mysterious form of energy known as dark energy. In other words, only about 5% of the matter in the cosmos is visible and detectable, while the remaining 95% falls within these invisible forms of matter and energy. Here, the word “dark” refers to being virtually invisible and unknown to us. No one still has an answer as to what dark matter and dark energy are, but it is clear that they exist and that they permeate this reality in an invisible and subtle way. Furthermore, an increasingly important question in science is human consciousness, which remains a complete mystery. Some research even says that consciousness survives the death of physical body and “goes somewhere.” If this is so, is it possible that our consciousness after physical death transitions to one of the parallel universes that the string theory is talking about? Or, maybe, dark matter and dark energy answer the question of the spiritual world’s existence, which may be made up of subtle and invisible particles and fields of these unknown types of matter and energy? In any case, even the most stubborn skeptics cannot refuse these possibilities. Personally, even though I am by nature a skeptic, I have come to the definitive conclusion that consciousness survives the death of the physical body. Moreover, I believe that consciousness is immortal and ubiquitous and that the “world beyond” does exist. Invisible Beings So, if we truly believe that consciousness is immortal and omnipresent, that there are other dimensions, parallel universes, and other levels of reality, we must admit that there is a logical possibility that there also exist innumerable conscious beings of various kinds which are present in these worlds. Also, this material universe is probably inhabited by many types of conscious entities – not only humans and other beings from this planet, but species on other planets, in other solar systems, and different cosmic environments, too. Moreover, there must exist countless beings invisible to us that live in the physical world as well as at all other levels of existence above this one in which we operate. Of course, there are entire groups and hierarchies of these invisible beings. Quite logically, for some types of entities we could say that they are “neutral” from our perspective, some groups are “good,” others – “bad,” while there are beings so strange that we cannot classify them into any group or even comprehend by our minds. Of course, the idea of invisible entities that are present here, alongside us or even within us, is very disturbing. And indeed, this is real, but only partially. Yes, there are beings that we cannot see, hear, nor do we feel their presence in any way. Yet many of them are able to see us, and even have impacts on our lives to some extent. Some of these “Invisibles” are “neutral,” some are “bad” or unpleasant, but we should know that there are many “positive” beings that help us and inspire us on our life course. We will call them here the Beings of Light. Although all this can be disturbing to someone who faces such ideas for the first time, we need to know that, still, all is up to us. Ultimately, we are in charge. Every person is fundamentally responsible for their own life because all these “positive” or “negative” influences are only the result of our deepest inner decisions, thoughts, habits, or emotional turmoil. Uninvited Guests Do you sometimes wonder why people have inexplicable outbursts of rage, uncontrolled fear, or eruptions of other negative emotions, which sometimes lead to horrifying situations and crime? Are the childhood traumas and the existence of various negative psychological aspects within a personality the only explanation for such phenomena? In my opinion, they are not. There are many indications of various conscious entities that are attached to us, directly or indirectly affecting our behavior and state of consciousness. A lot of literature describes research in this field. For example, in his excellent book “Healing Lost Souls,” William J. Baldwin depicts many cases of solving psychic problems and dysfunctional relationships by applying specific techniques for the release of so-called “attached entities.” There is a vast range of beings and energies that can be “nested” in our aura or within our being, such as souls or energy remnants of deceased people, parts of personalities of living persons, or even the “classical” Beings of Darkness, i.e. demons. What is most interesting, sometimes the attached beings are not originating from this planet at all – they are extraterrestrial beings. But about all this in more detail later. Symptoms of Attachments It is not so easy to recognize that you have an attached entity. However, you can be pretty certain that this phenomenon has occurred if you identify the following symptoms:
However, for all this, you should be cautious and not to make premature conclusions. You should certainly work on yourself and try using some of the Reintegration Techniques or other proven methods. Souls of the Dead One type of the attached entities are the souls of the dead people who, for assorted reasons, remain tied with the physical world. The term “soul” here denotes the nucleus of an individual which is practically immortal, had existed before and will exist after the individual’s incarnation. In this sense, the nucleus has normally retained almost the whole personality of the deceased person, so the term “soul of the dead” in this text actually means “the nucleus plus its personality.” These souls stay at the physical level typically due to strong attachment to a person or place, due to complete disorientation and lack of awareness that it is no longer among the living, or for various other reasons. Nevertheless, all these souls eventually find the way to the higher levels of reality, most often with the help and guidance of the Beings of Light. Although the number of souls of deceased people who remain at the physical plane is relatively small compared to those who find their way to other levels of reality, it still seems that there are plenty of them. For example, many such souls float around sites of mass executions, natural disasters, and other places of unexpected deaths, because they are still in total confusion, unaware that they even died. These souls sometimes tend to be near people to whom they used to be very emotionally tied in life. In some cases, such a soul “joins” the person to whom it was bound, simply by “entering” into her energy field or joining her aura. This process is often unconscious because these souls are mostly in a dull, semi-conscious state. However, this does not prevent them from exerting influence on the behavior of the “victim,” from the very moment of attaching. Unfortunately, this influence is usually harmful, because the hooked beings through this person try to fulfill some of their selfish desires and goals, despite the free will of the “host.”
While it is clear that we need to get rid of these entities, which can be achieved through a process of "taking to the Light," I must emphasize that a genuine and lasting relief from such impacts is achieved only when a person heals and reintegrates their own parts of the personality that attract corresponding entities. Thus, again: Ultimately, each of us is completely responsible for their own life, which is excellent news.
Astral Shells
After a person’s physical death, their invisible energy residues or “astral shells” sometimes continue to wander the material plane in a semi-conscious state.
These energy zombies are instinctively trying to “feed,” mostly on negative energy around them, since they themselves are largely composed of such sorts of energy. Namely, the so-called negative emotions such as pain, sorrow, fear, anger, rage are, so to speak, the “heaviest” forms of life energy that are naturally related to this densest level of existence – the physical reality. For this reason, these shells sometimes dissolve immediately along with the physical body, but in some cases, they survive for a while but decompose eventually. Until this process completes, they drift in the physical world, most often in the vicinity of people or places to which the deceased were specifically linked. These energy leftovers once represented significant parts of the deceased people's personalities. This fact often leads to a false conclusion that they are the souls of deceased people. When we talk about ghosts, sometimes such apparitions actually are the astral shells. As they strive for self-preservation they seek for “food,” i.e., the energy of the lowest frequency nearby. Although these energetic manifestations are definitely not the people whose parts of personality they used to be, in some situations (for example, in spiritistic sessions) they can behave and even present themselves as the deceased persons. In this way, they incite fear in people, “feed” and “survive” for a while. However, if they are supported by a “morphogenetic field” (this phenomenon will be described in this text, too), elemental natural force or even demonic being, these energetic residues can acquire a “new life,” become self-conscious beings which make problems and bring suffering to many other beings. They can even hook to a person nearby whose energy at that moment corresponds to their frequency. Alien Entities There are beings present here on Earth that come from other solar systems, or even other galaxies. We also have beings coming from other dimensions, i.e. parallel universes. Some of them come to our planet in space ships or other types of technologically very advanced machines that allow them biological survival on planet Earth, given the fact that the physical, chemical, and biological conditions on their planets or universes, typically, are completely incompatible with the conditions here. However, a substantial number of such beings are immaterial and do not need the technology for survival in our environment. Such entities are essentially made of energy, and, like other types of conscious energies, can move through this space-time continuum without major limitations; more importantly, they can directly or indirectly affect our lives. Some of these entities can cling to our aura to achieve various goals – ranging from a sort of scientific research to a secret agenda, by using our physical bodies. Beings of Darkness Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, Positive and Negative - these are some of the basic polarities within the whole existence in general. It is not at all surprising that even conscious beings are mostly divided according to this principle. The Beings of Darkness are in fact entities which are largely oriented to fulfilling their own selfish desires and aspirations, and therefore are confined within strong ego-structures, defense mechanisms, and fear. This automatically separates them from Divine Love and integrative forces, i.e. the Powers of Light. These beings are afraid of the light. Their superiors teach them to believe in certain misconceptions. For example, Dark Beings or "demons" are convinced that their essence is Darkness, that every contact with light is dangerous and painful to them, and that light can even completely destroy them. They also believe that they are mortal and that they can cease to exist. Love is considered a weakness. These delusions make them subject to fear and control by their “bosses,” and that kind of control is present at all levels of their hierarchies. Since their existence is mainly based on fear, and fear is at the heart of every hierarchical system, these beings are usually strictly hierarchically bound between themselves. There are many levels of their ranks and functions. The hierarchical systems established in human society are for this very reason most attractive to their operations, and sometimes the direct result of their influence. There are beings of this type who are responsible for influencing every significant human organization and group, and in particular, this refers to organizations of the hierarchical type. We can say that there are demonic “representatives” in all state governments, armies, police, churches and religious organizations, corporations and many, many other groups. Although I have been for a long time very skeptical about the claims that these beings actually want us not to believe in them, I must admit now that these claims are in fact close to the truth. However, there is one thing that is in reality very different from the beliefs of some established religions: these beings of Darkness can be transformed and transitioned into the realm of Light. This also means that direct coping with these beings using their own “weapon” (any type of aggression or force) is always counterproductive, so the classic procedures of exorcism generally are unnecessary and inefficient. There are many better and far more effective ways to achieve the release. Some of these ways (for example, "Taking to Light") are described in this text, but I must stress again that our own “spiritual immunity” is the most important in all of this. If we get rid of our own negativity and heal the problematic parts of our personality, we will be immune to the Beings of Darkness. They will simply have nothing to attach to. Parts of Other People's Personalities We may have a part of a living person inside us as well. Usually, it’s a fragment of a person from our closest environment, such as a spouse or parent. It can also be a residual aspect of the personality of a deceased person. For example, if there is a strong bond between two people in terms of intense domination of one of them, usually a part of the dominant person is firmly attached to the inferior one, influencing the “victim” in a similar way as if it were one of the aforementioned categories of attachments. How to get rid of these attached parts of other people? In most cases, the work on one's own parts of personality that is the cause of such attachments is sufficient. The basic and main techniques of the Reintegration System should be quite enough. However, sometimes it is necessary to do the same procedure as the one needed for the souls of the dead people (described below). Nevertheless, in the end, the hooked part of someone else's personality voluntarily returns to its originator and merges with him. Pendulums There exists another type of entity that also has a significant impact on our state of consciousness and everyday behavior – so-called “morphogenetic fields” or “pendulums.” Another name for these phenomena from old esoteric traditions is the “egregors.” These are invisible, relatively defined energy entities that spontaneously arise and grow due to the law of mutual attraction between similar energies. When a number of people unite around a common idea or goal, their thoughts and emotions accumulate and eventually form an invisible energy entity that continues to exist and grow, feeding on similar energies, thoughts, and emotions from which it is made. Every state, church, association, corporation, sports club, family, and various other social units have their own pendulums to support and strengthen them. These energy fields are usually conscious or semi-conscious beings that try to provoke corresponding events around them by using invisible influence, with the aim of generating the type of energy that suits them best. These are often malevolent entities which cause wars, diseases, and suffering of all kinds because they themselves are made up of the roughest forms of energy. These entities are not the Beings of Darkness, although the results of their influence are similar. Typically, their objectives coincide so much that they are operating in a kind of symbiosis, or at least “working” together. Both on a collective and individual level, the pendulums are “hooking” on people according to whether the energy of a particular person corresponds to that pendulum. In this way, the pendulum can directly affect the person’s behavior. It can also attract other negative entities of similar energies. In this excerpt from the book Inner Peace, Outer Success you can gain a more detailed insight into these bizarre energy entities and what are the best ways to get rid of their malicious influence. Lost Parts of One's Own Personality This is an area that I would like to cover here too, although it does not really apply to this article’s topic. In this case, there are parts of our own personality that have remained stuck to a particular place or another being, even in a previous life or period of time. Although these “lost parts of our soul” are actually still here in our being, they are seemingly separate from us. Their energy is detached and is often fixed to a distant location from childhood, past life, or to a beloved person from our past. Often, such “personality losses” are the result of major trauma, with some amount of our subconscious attention remaining intensely preoccupied with the traumatic event and the site. It is very important to retrieve our “lost parts.” They will always bring us an important and forgotten fragment of our abilities, talents, and energy. This is achieved through a process that we could call the Soul Retrieval and is described in one of the following chapters. Methods of Working with Unwanted Entities Despite all this variety of possibly attached entities, we should never conclude that something else is ultimately responsible for our dysfunctional behavior. On the contrary, we are always fully in charge of our lives. These external energies can hook up to us only if there is a “hole” in our aura suitable for them. Such holes are in fact the result of unintegrated parts of our own being. They attract these negative energies. No entity could do any harm to us if we had no holes in our aura. How to deal with all these beings? Do we have to fight them at all? Is there a better approach? The Reintegration Techniques are very effective in healing the sources of attachments, manifested as the holes in our aura. The basic approach of this methodology is to integrate parts of our personality with the wholeness of our being, without any conflicts. When it comes to the attached entities, again, a positive approach is preferred – returning these beings to the Light, or their real Source. As a result, these beings reintegrate with the Universal Consciousness, which is ultimately the True Being of all of us. Transition to Light The only right approach for the release of attached entities is through compassionate action. Here I would recommend the William Baldwin’s Spirit Release Therapy (SRT), in which the therapist invites the Beings of Light for help. The release is achieved by encouraging the attached entity to remember events that are related to the death of their physical body and to understand the nature of their attachment. The technique I am offering here is a somewhat modified SRT. It consists of the following steps: 1. Detecting and Identifying Entities Feel your problem as intensely as possible. Locate its physical manifestation within your body. Let's say it's a stomachache. Talk to it as it were a conscious being; greet it with respect. Ask it, “Are you part of me or are you a separate being?” This is a critical step because each type of attachment requires a different release method. Practically, this is a phase of differential diagnosis. If the being identifies itself as a separate entity, ask for its name and age. But, how can we recognize different types of entities? The souls of deceased people are the most common case in these processes. Usually, when asked for identity, these souls directly state their names, except in cases where the soul comes from a person who died in ancient times. In this situation, it is possible that the entity has even forgotten their name. While the dark entities are particularly hostile and deceiving, extraterrestrial beings typically appear in an emotionless and businesslike manner. Finally, if an entity identifies itself as part of you, i.e. as a fragment of your personality/soul (including from your past life), then I suggest you apply one of the Reintegration System’s techniques, such as the Inner Triangle. 2. Dialogue Ask the entity: “What would you like to tell me about yourself and your relationship with me?” It is necessary to find out why and under what circumstances the entity hooked up to you. In this process, the attached entity must have the opportunity to express their complaints or resentment, or other motivation for attaching to you. Then you have to give them an opportunity to understand how and why their attachment is detrimental both to him/her and to you. This understanding, offered with empathy, usually allows awakening of their desire to leave you alone and enter the Light, which will lead to the final release. 3. Liberation At this stage, the entity agrees to leave your body and go to Light, with the help of angels and other Beings of Light. You have to call the Beings of Light to help in this process, to bring the entity into Light. The entity makes this final transition, usually feeling that family and friends are waiting for him/her in the Light (if it is the soul of a deceased person). 4. Sealing Light Meditation It is very important that you do everything in your power to prevent attaching of any other entity to you, for you have not yet really solved your problem – your own part of the being that needs healing, and which had attracted the entity that has just gone. To this end, until you really heal the real source of your problem, it is best to occasionally do the Sealing Light Meditation. Visualize light in the center of your being. This light spreads and fills your body completely. It proceeds further on as a bubble and encompasses your body at a distance of about two meters. Do this procedure several times. It is advisable that this meditation even becomes your everyday habit. 5. Continuing the Therapy Unless you solve the real source of your problem (the corresponding part of your own personality that is not yet integrated), it is very likely that other entities will attach to you again. Therefore, the therapy with the Reintegration System’s techniques is necessary for healing your emotional vulnerability, which has been attracting the unwanted entities. Transformation of the Being of Darkness into the Being of Light When the entity you are facing is “demonic,” i.e. a Being of Darkness, you may try an approach advocated by Baldwin, but only with the leadership of a professional, experienced therapist. The therapist invites the Beings of Light to help, who then surround the entity with the "net of light." Fearing of destruction, the entity becomes subject to the advice and finally, its attention can be directed to the inside, in order to discover and recognize the light in the essence of its being. At first, as it searches within the depths of his own being, there seems to be all dark. However, eventually, the entity reveals a spark of light. Although it firmly believed that light would burn him, the entity reveals that it feels good. As its soul opens up to the light, the entity is overwhelmed with repentance over what it did and accepts to be led to the Light, where it will experience the final transformation into the Being of Light.
Soul Retrieval
If you notice that you have lost certain abilities or talents after a particular event in the past, you may have lost some part of your personality at the time. To bring it back and reintegrate with you, first of all, you need to recall this event and feel it as clearly as possible. Ask yourself what part you lost at that point. You have to be completely open, and whatever comes to your mind surely has some relation to your question. Have a clear intention to get a picture where and in what ambiance this part is existing now, and to see what it looks like and what it does. After a while, you will get visual impressions or feelings about this. Do not forget that you should see it from the outside, from your point of view. You will most often see yourself, but at a younger age, or as a child. You can also see an entirely different person in an apparently unknown ambiance, a sign that this part had remained stuck in one of your past lives or parallel existences. Come in imagination to your part and talk to her, kindly and lovingly. Emphasize that you miss her very much. Finally, call her to join you, to return to you forever, because you belong to each other. Invite her with your open arms. Almost always, your part will run to you, happily and enthusiastically. Feel that you are merging with her, with mutual happiness. Perhaps you will sense tingling, warm energy as it spreads throughout your whole body. This is an unambiguous sign that the process has been successful and that the fragment of your soul has returned to you forever. You will feel the effects of Soul Retrieval very quickly, such as a strong feeling of completeness and wholeness. You may also soon realize that you have more energy and some new talents or abilities. If a part of your soul does not want to return for some reason (which is a very rare case), then you can apply the Inner Triangle technique or any similar procedure. Beings of Light The psychological or spiritual work that cleans our being from the negative parts or entities is not enough. It is necessary to cultivate and develop love and compassion in the heart, which attract the Beings of Light, invisible helpers who guide us through life and protect against various negative influences. For this purpose, I recommend regular work on meditation and love, as well as appropriate prayers. The Beings of Light (angels, archangels, and various other entities) will never cling to our aura or drain our energy. It is in their nature to help us and give some instructions occasionally, but only with respect to our free will. These divine beings will respond to calls for help and guidance, but only when these calls are honest and selfless. This also applies to the release from attached entities. Conclusion Never forget that this kind of spiritual work should not be a substitution for the professional treatment of psychologists, but only a supplement. If there is a more serious problem affecting your mental or physical health, make sure to tell your doctor! At the same time, it is important to know that procedures for releasing the Beings of Darkness must be done only with the guidance of a therapist with proper experience in this field. These beings may be very cunning, deceitful, and aggressive. Any solo-work, in this case, carries a great deal of risk and this should always be kept in mind. Even in working with other types of entities it is also very advisable to work with experienced therapists. When you are not sure during the process whether an entity you are facing is really a Being of Light or someone else, ask them a direct question: “Do you belong to the Truth, the Light, and the Love? Do you work for my supreme good and for the benefit of humanity?” If the being is confused or says no, immediately stop communication with him. As for working with parts of your own personality, self-processing is acceptable, in many cases even desirable. It develops creativity and a general feeling of responsibility for your own life. Still, without the help of invisible Beings of Light, you cannot achieve much. You need to be strongly determined to working on yourself. Regular meditation will calm the mind and cleanse the heart. But this is often not enough. It is necessary to actively develop love for oneself and for all beings. Love, tranquil mind and purity of the heart attract the Beings of Light and their help. Happy inner work! :-)
Kurt Piket
9/9/2019 12:56:44
Nebo D. Lukovich
1/12/2019 13:00:45
Melissa Bamford
22/1/2022 08:42:06
Thank you 🌈 for so eloquently, and thoroughly, covering, topics such as these, I have been privileged enough 🌌 ✨🌍 💛 to be shown a few glimpses of magic within nature manifest in many a form, some powerful and awesome in an ancient guardian way, one that would whistle near a big in the redwoods where I lived vin a geodesic dome,⚛️with my two children, a few wolf 🐺 dogs and my son's, father, blue alien orbs intelligent in nature, communicated through a whisper, moves in synchronycity like birds, Native American spirits, or residual spirit shells perhaps as you you called them. Their body's were made of beautiful geometry, the South Fork of the Trinity, flows north like the Nile, some sang one played a drum, very beautiful. Love 💕 wellness and light 🕯️🕊️♾️🕯️surround you, blessing 🕊️🌍🕊️
Nebo Lukovich
23/1/2022 17:15:46
Dear Melissa,
24/9/2023 07:53:13
I have never felt words that truly resonate how I feel as the last part about being not truly human. This whole article has helped me and truly gave me parts of my sanity back.. thank you
Kurt Piket
1/12/2019 18:53:04
Nebo D. Lukovich
1/12/2019 20:52:42
kurt piket
3/12/2019 13:52:08
kurt Piket
2/12/2019 08:57:18
Once a scientist says: dark energy can be felt on earth.
Nebo D. Lukovich
8/12/2019 14:52:45
kurt piket
15/12/2019 12:45:38
Invisible Entities and their influence of our lives.
Melissa Bamford
22/1/2022 10:23:29
To continually, heal, almost as a form of osmosis, within ourselves and all around our outer landscape. A galactic mycelial web of ever expansive auric light waves pulsating like a universal ♾️ 🌱 heart. As we find, and create, ever expanding pathways to learn, heal,🐺and to spiritually grow. An ever present form of fision, birthing fusion, a homeostasis, of awareness, awakening to the one, the interconnectedness of all things, and the one breath that unites all. As a devine essence, lives and breathes within each one, we too become one with the ever sentient, devine in being, omnipresent eternal bliss of light 🕯️. If the particles which light 🕯️ is conceived, are indeed devoid of gravity, as we to formulate, into waves of weightless light frequency particle waves, then perhaps, a perceived shift in sound vibration resonation. Allowing a being to reach outer spheres, deep inner realms, and ancient ancestral ⭐ star beings, perhaps all are light workers, helping, us to heal the fractures, connecting within every living being, within ripples, and waves throughout this ever expanding cosmos. We remain as the star beings, chizled of light, made ever more brilliant by the 🌑 darkness and ever omnipresent presence, of the creator, who transcends 🌌, all
anon- JERRY
11/7/2022 00:38:06
A old " friend" BOB , in fact was more normal ,then you think, but he had horrible childhood, rage and hated his own parents and laughed when his wife passed suddenly..evil..made me cringe.. . When I finally blocked him , . all my horrible NIGHTMARES, depressive self talk , and even my moods shifted!! I lost weight, my work life was prosperous, I attracted single women again. I am unsure they meant to, but I feel %100 better!!
It's interesting to know that we can become immune to the darkness when problematic parts of our personalities are healed. I guess it is a good idea to book a past life aura healing session, because I believe that there might was something bothering me in the past. There is this feeling of Deja Vu most of the time, but I cannot remember any situations before that are similar to that. So I hope this will be addressed because it might be causing my anxiety.
29/1/2023 14:18:31
Interesting regards to attachment to strong ego structures. These structures require a huge amount of psychic energy paired off to support and protect the individual from the inferior aspects that belong to wounded self. The denial and chaos of maintaining a superior sense of persona. Is quite likely a hole ‘ unseen my the individual as they are in denial. The hierarchical structure makes sense in terms of the way the psyche organises itself in relation to trauma . I’m thinking of the IFS inner family system therapy plays out . But yes I are had experience releasing possession thru circular breathing /kundalini and with completion ‘ the odour of sanctity ‘ but the work never stops . We must find our life goal and be that it lines up with h our hearts greatest truth .
Darren Williams
10/3/2023 07:24:22
I need an answer my friend used to be an awesome guy always happy and what not and was in a car accident and ever since he has moments where he is fine and then will snap and turn into an angry evil something that isn't recognizable I feel like something is attached to him or something affected his vibration how can I help him
Nebo D. Lukovich
14/3/2024 21:04:24
Dear Darren,
7/2/2024 06:18:03
Grateful for the liberation from negativity, "negative entity removal" embodies the transformative power of cleansing. With heartfelt appreciation, we acknowledge the practitioners' dedication in dispelling malevolent energies. Through their expertise, we reclaim harmony and serenity, fostering a space where positivity flourishes and inner light shines brightly once more.
Rhonda Patterson
13/3/2024 02:24:03
To all who read this.You must have faith. There are greater forces at work than you can imagine. It will get better and each of your situations will improve whether it is what you intended to happen or not. I have my ex back with the help of Ultimate Spell and we are happy together, I highly recommend any one to {ultimatespell666 @ gmail. com } for whatever problems you are experiencing whether is fertility spell, protection, money or psychic powers. He is the real deal. his contact
Leslie Sheryll
14/3/2024 13:00:13
I am in need of a guide, therapist, counselor to help me clear these energies it is all very new and scary can you recommend a teacher, counselor guide trained in this area of work please?
Nebo D. Lukovich
14/3/2024 20:55:01
Dear Leslie,
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