Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
A large number of subjects permanently solved their emotional and mental difficulties by recalling and facing the traumatic memories of their past (or even future) lives.
Are there parallel existences to our own out there? If yes, can they be marked as a form of reincarnation, a well-known theory of re-birthing after physical death? Is reincarnation actually something much more fascinating, comprehensible only if we really open up our minds?
There have been a huge number of books written on the subject of reincarnation. Many researchers have dedicated their whole lives exploring it. Perhaps the most prominent investigators of this phenomenon were Ian Stevenson[1], a Canadian-born U.S. psychiatrist, who worked for the University of Virginia School of Medicine, and Jim B. Tucker[2], a child psychiatrist and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the same university. They were researching mostly the cases of children who were able to recall some memories from their “past lives.” The evidence they collected as well as many proofs gathered by other scientists and researchers are overwhelming. There are so many children and adults all around the world who were able to evoke some reminiscences from other existences. Amazingly, many of those claims were actually investigated and have been confirmed in great detail. What’s more important, a large number of subjects permanently solved their emotional and mental difficulties by recalling and facing the traumatic memories of their past (or even future) lives. To me, it’s a very sad thing that the mainstream science still rejects to validate the concepts of reincarnation or parallel existences. However, this article is not about the question whether reincarnation exists or not. In my opinion, there is definitely enough pretty reliable evidence supporting the assumption that there is a continuity of individual consciousness even after death. Our consciousness regularly extends from one existence to another. The physical mechanism of re-birthing is mysterious. However, if we postulate that at the core of our personality lies a kind of hidden conscious energy, we may call it the soul, and when we take into account the natural law of the conservation of energy, we may conclude that our consciousness cannot disappear with the physical death. On the contrary, it must continue to exist in another form. [1] [2] Some people recall details from several lives that had been lived concurrently, within the same time span. Moreover, there are cases of two or more people remembering the very same life, as though all of them had been the same person in one of the previous lives.
Today’s science is much more fantastic than many fantasy worlds of fiction
In modern physics, there are still numerous unknown, yet existing, sorts of matter, energy, or even additional space dimensions. Dark matter and dark energy – if summed up, they make more than 90% of the whole Universe, and together with “normal” matter and energy, they fundamentally contribute to the so-called “flat” geometry of our cosmos. Are our souls, or astral and spiritual worlds, essentially made of some forms of those, yet unknown, forms of matter and energy? It’s totally plausible. Still, the main question here is: does reincarnation really work as it’s believed in some eastern religions? And why I’m asking this question whatsoever? Because it seems that reality is much more fascinating than expected. It’s not only that there are thousands or millions of children all around the world who remembered their past lives as other personalities, that have been subsequently confirmed as real persons who really lived on earth, with all the quoted details from their lives actually validated. It’s something much stranger to our logical minds. The majority of examined reincarnation cases show that people, especially children, usually remember some details from past existences that were happening many years before. But there are also many “unexpected” cases. Some people recall details from several lives that had been lived concurrently, within the same time span. Moreover, there are cases of two or more people remembering the very same life, as though all of them had been the same person in one of the previous lives. Not only that, when some individuals are told to “go back” to a life from which the cause of their problem stems, they recall a life from the apparent future! More importantly, it still works - they are facing the trauma from that existence and their problem in the current life is solved. How on Earth that can be? The Nature of Time In fact, the process of reincarnation is far more complex than in the classical views of eastern spiritual traditions. For example, the terms “previous” or “future” life are far from being reliable for depicting the Truth. In a way, these “previous” or “future” lives are all simultaneous. Let me explain. In accordance with the theory of relativity, time is interchangeable with space within the space-time continuum and, in some way, time is only the fourth (or first!) space dimension of that continuum. Our consciousness is moving steadily along that fourth axis of the space-time chart. This is actually giving us the impression that everything is changing. We are moving along that time axis and everything else around us seems to be moving as well. Nevertheless, the whole fourth-dimensional existence is fully stable in the 4D space-time continuum. Let’s take an analogy of an old-fashioned movie projection. There is a movie tape on a reel that is moving steadily during the projection. It’s being illuminated frame by frame, giving the illusion of moving pictures on the screen. The film tape is a two-dimensional strip, and it’s moving along the axis of an additional, third dimension. In reality, we have a kind of a three-dimensional film, which moves along an additional, fourth dimension of the space-time continuum. That “film” is illuminated by our consciousness, and we have the illusion of time.
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay
But that’s not the whole truth, as we are not living in the “block universe”, as may be concluded from the above explanation. The 4D universe is stable, but it doesn’t consist only of this timeline. In fact, there are innumerable embedded timelines within it. It’s an unavoidable consequence of quantum mechanics.
Namely, various experiments done with subatomic particles, such as photons or electrons, have shown that the behavior of matter and energy at the microscopic level is completely weird to our logical minds. The particles actually exist at many places at the same time, they sometimes behave as waves, sometimes as particles, they are non-local and, what’s really bizarre, their behavior vastly depends on the presence of a conscious observer. All these strange phenomena at the quantum level many mainstream physicists explain by the existence of many parallel worlds at the same time. There are different approaches to this idea though; some of them postulate there are countless parallel words popping out into existence with every “quantum uncertainty” of every single particle in the universe, which happens all the time at every smallest place, trillions or more time in a millisecond. And in many of these new universes, there is a copy of ourselves, continuing with a completely independent and slightly different life. On the other hand, some approaches are more oriented toward consciousness as a decisive factor in the whole picture. There are “real universes,” such as ours, and there are “potential universes,” that may or may not become “real.”
Nevertheless, the reality in which we exist is only one of those countless parallel universes. To us, all the other realities are only “potential” realities, but to some other conscious beings actually living in them, our reality is only a “potential” one.
Our lives in the “past” or “future,” from the perspective “outside” of the space-time continuum, are actually simultaneous existences. It’s just a matter of point of view—from which coordinate of the space-time we are observing an event. In that way, we could even have some lives in the future that are our “previous” lives, meaning the roots of some events in this existence stem from those lives. Or vice versa. Can we change the past? Knowing all of the above stated, we can assume that we can change our future. If we change our subconscious mind, if we begin living mindfully, or simply if we make a different, “unexpected” decision, we will make a shift to another timeline, leading us to a completely different future. The previously “real” timeline that we were “supposed” to go along (our “destiny”), now becomes only a parallel, “potential” one. Another timeline becomes our reality. By the way, if we live a mindful, spiritual life, that timeline will be much more pleasant and fruitful. However, as there are practically infinite potential timelines ahead, we can be certain that we have an infinite number of possibilities in front of us.
But what about the past?
It can also be changed. Notice the decision-making points in the very simplified scheme above. At each of these points, we are making some decision, whether they be micro-decisions or big life decisions. Each time we are choosing our “destiny,” our “most probable” timeline that is stretching ahead of us. That’s clear. As we’re transforming ourselves now, we’re transforming both our past and future.
But there is also a very interesting detail. The timelines can overlap and intersect. A decision-point can often be reached by several different directions from the past. Actually, every point in space-time can be reached from numerous directions, both from past and future. In other words, every single stage of our lives has many possible past-states leading to it.
How can we make changes to our past? Simply, by changing our present. As we’re transforming ourselves now, we’re transforming both our past and future. We change the entire timeline in which we are in. So, when we make a change to our past, we skip to another timeline. That means we shift to the memories of that timeline and embrace them as we were always living in that timeline. We are completely unaware that we “previously” inhabited another timeline. However, in most of the cases, these changes are slight and almost unnoticeable. The memories we recall will be almost the same as before. Yet, sometimes, during that process of changing the timelines, some memories do remain. That may explain the well-known “Mandela effect,”[1] which deals with the so-called “false memories.” [1] We should appreciate our past, however difficult it was. In fact, the hardships from the past have made us stronger and wiser.
Nevertheless, we should appreciate our past, however difficult it was. In fact, the hardships from the past have made us stronger and wiser. Even if we transformed ourselves and hence changed our past to some extent, it wouldn’t be changed in a way that we would have a more pleasant childhood. Not at all. It could be even harder. But our relationship with it would have been radically changed. We would have accepted the difficulties from that timeline completely and become a wiser and more mature person.
Holographic view on reincarnation But there are even more fascinating concepts before us. Yes, there are many people being able to recall many various lives from their “past” or “future.” As mentioned before, there were some accounts of different people remembering the same life.[1] Or people remembering lives of several persons that lived at the same time. How’s that possible? There could be some partial explanations for that, like that saying that one’s soul splits up and reincarnates into several people afterward. Or several souls merge up and reincarnate into a single personality. Perhaps. However, there is a more elegant and more universal solution: we live in a holographic world. [1] When one remembers a life, say, from the past, that same life could be “remembered” by another person, as that life is a part of that person’s embedded information as well. It’s just a matter of individual traits and subconscious structures of a person who remembers, which lives they will remember more probably. Each individual is more inclined to one or more “streams” of lives within the “past” or “future,” and those streams are usually considered as their real past or future lives.
Simply put, a holographic world’s view indicates that the Universe is a huge hologram, which is in line with some of the new scientific approaches. Namely, the holographic principle is being increasingly accepted in modern physics, especially in string theory and astrophysics, which are dealing with some crucial aspects of black holes, their event horizons, and information stored within them. That theory can also be applied to all 3D objects, other than black holes. Additionally, there is a mathematical theorem, called the Banach-Tarski Paradox.[1] It’s mathematically definitely proved, and it says that “given a solid ball in 3‑dimensional space, there exists a decomposition of the ball into a finite number of disjoint subsets, which can then be put back together in a different way to yield two identical copies of the original ball.”[2] It’s a real phenomenon, which proves that we can make an infinite number of copies of any 3D shape, that will have the same complexity as their “original.”
In my humble opinion, this mathematical theorem directs us to the conclusion that we live in the holographic world, even more than the speculations and calculations on the black holes and their event horizons. [1] [2] Ibid.
In accordance with all of this, we can say that each phenomenon, thing, event or being within the universal hologram has all the information on the entire hologram.
This implies that information on the whole Universe, including its past and future, is embedded within each of us. That’s also applicable to reincarnation or parallel lives.
These concepts of parallel lives and other dimensions are indeed fascinating and could really help us in opening our minds and becoming more creative. Nevertheless, the ultimate Truth is much simpler. In fact, it’s the simplest thing of all. We can appreciate that fact with our general attitude: yes, we should always be open-minded and creative, but we have to live a more mindful life and to work on ourselves persistently. Most importantly, we should love ourselves and all other beings. We must not forget that we are all one, at the deepest level. And all lives that “happened” to us in the past, or “will happen” in the future, are the lives of the only one being – the Pure Consciousness, Underlying Perfect Reality, God, or whatever we call it. We are one. For more info on the holographic view and ways how to deal with various hidden structures within the personality, you may refer to and
28/3/2021 22:56:57
Hi, thanks for this insightful article! As I read it I realize I didn't understand whether after a decision-point, the same timeline could be realized by our different versions, or the other version cannot follow the same timeline? Is it correct or wrong to say that other you’s in other universes chose differently under slightly different conditions, so whichever timeline you choose, you cancelling out the choices of the others because no one such choice has any primacy over the others? Does that mean no single choice can ever be duplicated? From this article I understand vice versa, thanks in advance for the clarification.
Nebo D. Lukovich
5/4/2021 20:55:19
Hi, Eli,
14/7/2021 17:52:33
Hi Mr. Nebo, I really enjoyed the content!
Nebo Lukovich
12/9/2021 15:46:40
Dear Duke,
10/9/2021 08:08:39
Hi, thanks for the article I thought it was really interesting! I do have one question though, if there are infinite timelines, how many of us exist, how many souls do we have? And if our past lives have infinite timelines as well why do we only know how they died in one timeline but not the others? And if we are all one does that mean nothing actually matters?
Nebo Lukovich
12/9/2021 15:37:53
Dear Anabella,
15/1/2022 14:23:16
Dear Nebo, 17/1/2022 18:59:37
Dear Luna,
18/1/2022 19:54:19
Dear Nebo, thank you very much for your answers! I could not reply to your comment as there were no direct button, so I had to reply as separate comment.
21/1/2022 18:56:43
Nebo Lukovich
23/1/2022 17:55:18
Dear Sami,
Nebo Lukovich
23/1/2022 17:21:00
Dear Luna,
27/1/2022 04:57:24
Young boy, 9/11, reincarnation of a firefighter. Full story as told by the boy's mother on (and off) a reincarnation forum. Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero.
9/7/2023 21:51:14
Dear Nebo,
Nebo Lukovich
22/7/2023 19:11:59
Dear Vanessa,
28/4/2024 21:06:43
Dear Nebo,
Nebo Lukovich
30/4/2024 20:44:52
Hi Tom,
Tom Sparks
5/5/2024 01:23:11
Dear Nebo,
Tom Sparks
8/5/2024 19:05:44
Nebo, here is the rest of the document I sent along to you...
Tom Sparks
8/5/2024 19:11:15
Picking up with additional from what the other post couldn't handle in one download...
Tom Sparks
8/5/2024 19:14:07
Picking up with additional from what the other post couldn't handle in one download...
Tom Sparks
8/5/2024 19:16:11
Picking up with additional from what the other post couldn't handle in one download...
Nebo Lukovich
9/5/2024 20:58:42
Dear Tom,
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